在 Mac OS X 中修改窗口按钮颜色
如何修改 Mac OS X 中用于关闭/最小化/缩放的红色/黄色/绿色窗口按钮?某处必须有可编辑的资源或 plist。
How can I modify the red/yellow/green window buttons for close/minimize/zoom in Mac OS X? There must be an editable resource or plist somewhere.
Here are the buttons I'm talking about:
For red/green colorblind individuals, those colors can be maddening. I wish they chose the actual bluish shade of green used in a traffic light instead of the puke grass green. That grassy green is indeterminable from the red.
Changing the theme to graphite is a poor alternative, so any other method is much preferred.
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的文件中。另外,一个名叫 Alex Zielenski 的人在 Indragie Karunaratne 创建了一个名为 artFileTool 获取其内容。第二个链接是该实用程序的代码存储库。
下面是提取并重建资源的过程,如 MacThemes 上所述由名为 touttheme 的用户创建的论坛:
我希望这可以帮助那些像我一样因发现有关基本信息的困难而感到沮丧的人OS X 的内部运作。
Okay, after a long and seemingly endless research cycle, I've located where the window buttons are stored. They're in a file called
.Also, a guy named Alex Zielenski with the help of Indragie Karunaratne created a utility named artFileTool to get to its contents. The second link is the code repository for the utility.
Here's the process to extract and then rebuild the resource as described on the MacThemes forum by a user named toutheme:
I hope this helps anyone who got as frustrated as I did at how difficult it is discovering basic information about the inner workings of OS X.
修改 MacOSX 10.11 El Capitan 中的按钮也可以通过 Alex Zielenski 的名为“ThemeEngine”的工具来完成,该工具位于 此处位于 github.com。
在以下位置编辑“.car”文件的副本: /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources
这些 .car 文件中的每一个都包含“WindowFrame_WindowControlButtons”,它本身由 240 个项目组成(!)。
分辨率较高的“[email protected]”项目用于 Retina 显示屏,“用于应用程序内窗口的“小”窗口,例如 TextEdit 中的调色板。
在 ThemeEngine 中,图形项目 (*.psd!) 被选择并发送到兼容编辑器(例如:Photoshop)或从兼容编辑器接收,但也可以单独拖动到任何文件夹,由其他应用程序更改或替换(甚至“预览”)并重新拖动到 ThemeEngine 中的任何 .car 文件窗口。
通常,您首先必须在 El Capitan 中停用 SIP,但我发现选择我的“旧”Maverick USB 驱动器作为启动磁盘并手动将 SystemAppearance.car 拖回到 SystemAppearance.bundle 中,然后重新启动会更容易(请参阅也称为“AccessibilityDarkAppearance.car”)。
我发现新的令人厌恶的 2D 图标真的很业余,有点“泄气”——所以我用一组从旧版 MacOSX 复制的类似 Maverick 的图标来交换它们。作为妥协,我应用了 El-Capitan 中使用的“负”白色加号/减号。
(顺便说一句:我没有使用上面提到的 Alex 的 artFileTool 来获取 Aqua 按钮,而是简单地制作了一系列屏幕截图并剪出了圆形 Aqua 按钮的各种状态。)
如果有人感兴趣,我可以发布我的“SystemAppearance” .car”文件在这里...
Modifying buttons in MacOSX 10.11 El Capitan can also be done by an Alex Zielenski's tool called "ThemeEngine", found HERE at github.com.
You have to edit copies of the
“.car” files in: /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemAppearance.bundle/Contents/Resources
Each of these .car files contains "WindowFrame_WindowControlButtons" which itself consists of 240 items (!).
I "grouped" those (= button in app window) with first "Size" then "Scale".
Higher resolved "[email protected]" items are used for Retina Displays, "small" ones for in-app windows, like the colors palette in TextEdit.
In ThemeEngine graphic items (*.psd!) are selected and sent/received to/from a compatible Editor (eg: Photoshop), but can also be individually dragged to any folder, changed or replaced by other apps (even "Preview") and be re-dragged to any .car-file window in ThemeEngine.
Normally you'd first have to deactivate SIP in El Capitan, but I found it easier to select my "old" Maverick USB drive as startup disk and drag the SystemAppearance.car back into SystemAppearance.bundle manually, then to re-restart (see also "AccessibilityDarkAppearance.car").
I find the new disgustingly-2D icons really amateurish, kind of "deflated" -- so I exchanged them with a set of Maverick-like ones, copied from an older MacOSX. As a compromise I applied the "negative" white plus/minus signs used in El-Capitan.
(Btw: I didn't use the above mentioned artFileTool by Alex to get at the Aqua buttons, but simply made a series of screenshots and cut out the various states of round Aqua buttons.)
If anybody is interested I can post my "SystemAppearance.car" file here ...
提醒一下,Snow Leopard 和早期版本中的石墨外观将窗口按钮更改为灰色。我感到非常惊讶和不高兴的是,在《山狮》中,即使在石墨主题中,这些颜色仍然保持彩色。 (我忘记了 Lion 做了什么,因为我只简单地使用过它。) 这是我的机器。我想改变它。颜色比我想要的更引人注目并且分散注意力。看起来也很不专业。事实上,我曾经使用 Unsanity 的强力鼠标将愚蠢的彩色沙滩球变成灰色。
Just as a reminder, the Graphite appearance in Snow Leopard and earlier changed the window buttons to gray. I was quite surprised and unhappy that in Mountain Lion these remain colored even in the Graphite theme. (I forget what Lion did, because I only used it briefly.) It's my machine. I want to change it. Color stands out more than I want and is distracting. It also looks unprofessional. In fact, I used to use Unsanity's Mighty Mouse to turn the stupid colored beachball into something gray.