我的 JavaScript 模式/实践很糟糕。我应该去哪里寻求帮助?

发布于 2024-12-16 01:56:57 字数 1206 浏览 2 评论 0 原文

在过去的几年里,我几乎专门从事后端任务,我刚刚注意到,在我不在的情况下,大多数 JavaScript(和 CoffeeScript)项目都变得非常漂亮。

我主要在 Rails 环境中工作,几乎所有的 JavaScript/jQuery 过去都是这样的:

$(an_element).an_event(function() {

$(another_element).some_other_event(function() {


不管怎样,我只是浏览了一些其他人的代码,发现在我不在的情况下,许多 JavaScript 开发人员变得更加漂亮了。这并不复杂,但它是我所见过的更新/更好的 JavaScript 方法的典型:

jQuery -> 
  if $('#products').length
    new ProductsPager()

class ProductsPager
  constructor: (@page = 1) ->

  check: =>
    if @nearBottom()
      $(window).unbind('scroll', @check)
      $.getJSON($('#products').data('json-url'), page: @page, @render)

  nearBottom: =>
    $(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 50

  render: (products) =>
    for product in products
      $('#products').append Mustache.to_html($('#product_template').html(), product)
    $(window).scroll(@check) if products.length > 0

我一直在寻找有关 JavaScript(和/或 CoffeeScript)的现代最佳实践/模式的资源,但我还没有运气很好。简而言之,我应该在哪里了解最新的知识:最好的 javascript/coffeescript 现代模式 &做法?

I've been working almost exclusively on back-end tasks for the past few years, and I've just noticed that most JavaScript (and CoffeeScript) projects have got a helluva lot prettier in my absence.

I work primarily in a rails environment, and almost all my JavaScript/jQuery used to look like this:

$(an_element).an_event(function() {

$(another_element).some_other_event(function() {

Callbacks aside, that's pretty much been it.

Anyhow, was just browsing through some other folks' code and noticed many javascripters have been getting a lot prettier in my absence. This isn't complex, but it's typical of the newer/better approach to JavaScript I've been seeing:

jQuery -> 
  if $('#products').length
    new ProductsPager()

class ProductsPager
  constructor: (@page = 1) ->

  check: =>
    if @nearBottom()
      $(window).unbind('scroll', @check)
      $.getJSON($('#products').data('json-url'), page: @page, @render)

  nearBottom: =>
    $(window).scrollTop() > $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 50

  render: (products) =>
    for product in products
      $('#products').append Mustache.to_html($('#product_template').html(), product)
    $(window).scroll(@check) if products.length > 0

I've been looking for resources on modern best practices/patterns for JavaScript (and/or CoffeeScript), but I haven't had much luck. So in short, where should I look to be brought up to speed re: best javascript/coffeescript modern patterns & practices?

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清旖 2024-12-23 01:56:57
有木有妳兜一样 2024-12-23 01:56:57

我喜欢CoffeeScript Cookbook。它解释了很多并且包含很多例子。

你可能喜欢第 12 章“设计模式”

I like the CoffeeScript Cookbook. It explains alot and contains many examples.

You probably like the 12th chapter called Design patterns

贵在坚持 2024-12-23 01:56:57

你需要一本像“JavaScript Patterns”这样的好书,以及一个同样好的想法/环境如“Fiddle”用于练习。

You need a good book like "JavaScript Patterns" accompanied by an equally good ide/environment like "Fiddle" for practicing.

爱情眠于流年 2024-12-23 01:56:57

我认为阅读常见模式不会帮助您编写真正好的代码。还算不错的代码,但不是真正的好代码。我会登录 irc.freenode.net 并在 ##javascript 和 #coffeescript 中寻求帮助 - 至少在 #coffeescript 中,有很多人会帮助您改进放入 要点

I don't think that reading on common patterns will help you write really good code. Moderately good code, but not really good code. I'd login to irc.freenode.net and ask in ##javascript and #coffeescript for help - at least in #coffeescript, there are many people who will help you improve code you put in a gist.

影子是时光的心 2024-12-23 01:56:57

我没有看到你的旧代码有问题。或者使用较新的代码。基本上,只需遵循与 Ruby 相同的原则:无情地重构,并让重构中出现好的架构。

I don't see the problem with your older code. Or with the newer code. Basically, just follow the same principles you'd follow with Ruby: refactor mercilessly and let good architecture emerge from the refactoring.

情话难免假 2024-12-23 01:56:57

如果您需要使用大规模 javascript 参考架构的完整实现,请查看:


它是一些模式的集合以及一些优秀库与现成示例应用程序的集成。我写这篇文章是为了分享我在几个大型 JS 项目工作后的经验。

If you need to play with a complete implementation of a large scale javascript reference architecture, have a look at:


It is a collection of patterns and integration of some good libraries with readymade sample application to start with. I wrote it to share my experience after working on couple of large JS projects.

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