GitHub 灾难:撤消恢复?
我正在使用 GitHub 的可视化编辑器,并准备向项目的主分支提交更改。然而,当启动可视化编辑器时,它会立即弹出一条消息,提示存在冲突。它给了我“继续或中止”的选项。我一直试图继续,但它不起作用,因为会弹出一个新窗口,其中包含太多冲突,以至于它超出了页面范围。所以该窗口的底部可能有一个按钮,但如果有的话,就无法访问。不管怎样,我最终放弃了“继续”,然后点击了中止......
大错误。 Git 将我的所有工作恢复到上次提交,并且“显然”我在恢复之前所做的所有工作都消失了。有办法拿回来吗?
提交1->提交2->提交3-> (工作正在进行中,尚未承诺,)
I was using the visual editor for GitHub and was ready to commit changes to the master branch of my project. However, when starting the visual editor, it would instantly popup with a message that there were conflicts. It gave me the options to "continue or abort". I kept trying to continue, but it wasn't working because a new window would pop up with so many conflicts that it stretched off the page. So there may have been a button at the bottom of that window, but if so, it was impossible to access. Anyway, I eventually gave up with "continue" and I hit abort...
Big mistake. Git reverted all my work back to my last commit and "apparently" all the work I had done before the revert is gone. Is there anyway to get it back?
To demonstrate this visually:
commit1 -> commit2 -> commit3 -> (work in progress, not committed yet, )
tried to use the visual editor to commit, but wound up with this and lost my work:
commit1 -> commit2 -> commit3
Edit: I "think" what happened is an accidental "rebase: updating head". I need to undo that badly.
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