获取可操作的 Salesforce 报表列表已经有点复杂,需要登录站点,然后下载 /servlet/servlet.ReportList,这是一个包含报表列表的 xml 文件。对于每个报告,您都会获得文件夹名称、名称(用户标签)、ID 以及是否公开。但是缺少两个字段 - “唯一”名称和描述。唯一的名称在这里很重要,因为 Salesforce 允许任意数量的报表(即使在同一文件夹中)具有相同的名称/标签。这意味着区分它们的唯一方法是通过唯一的名称。
有没有办法获取包含唯一名称和 ID 的报告列表? (或者没有描述和ID?)
Get a manipulatable list of Salesforce reports is already a little bit convoluted, requiring login to the site and then downloading /servlet/servlet.ReportList, which is an xml file containing a list of reports. For each report you get the folder name, the name (user label), the id and whether it is public. However two fields are missing - the "unique" name and the description. The unique name is important here, as Salesforce allows any number of reports, even in the same folder, to have the same name/label. This means the only way to tell them apart is by the unique name.
Is there any way to get a list of reports that includes both the unique name and the id? (or failing that the description and the id?)
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元数据 API 支持报告。
包括“名称”和“全名”字段。后者是报告的唯一 ID。
The Metadata API supports Reports.
Included are the "name"and "fullName" fields. The latter is the unique ID for a Report.