如何为T3这样的joomla cms创建模板框架?
我如何为T3这样的joomla cms创建模板框架,最好的开始方式是什么?,我不是要求你做我的作业,我只是需要你指导我我应该考虑什么以及采取什么方式将是为 joomla CMS 创建模板框架的最佳选择。
How do i create a template framework for joomla cms like T3, what's the best way to start?, i'm not asking you to do my homework, i just need you to guide me what things i should consider in my mind and which way will be the best for creating a template framework for joomla CMS.
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除了视情况而定之外,没有其他答案可以回答您的问题。你想实现什么目标?目标用户是谁?您打算使用 JavaScript 库吗?你打算使用 Mootools 作为核心吗?在开始构建框架之前,您首先需要确定您想要它做什么。在许多情况下,对于用户来说,框架完全是杀伤力和不必要的开销,而不是知道如何在没有额外代码的情况下实现框架的功能。
There is no answer to your question other than it depends. What are you trying to accomplish? Who is the target user? Do you plan to use a javascript library? Do you plan to use Mootools like the core? Before you can even begin a framework, you first need to determine what you want it to do. In many cases a framework is total overkill and needless overhead for a user than knows how to achieve what the framework does without the additional code.