将 Android ADT 升级到 15 时显示 logcat(已弃用)
我使用 ADT 插件将 Eclipse 从 10.0 升级到 15.0,因为在导入项目时出现错误“此项目要求您将 ADT 升级到 14.0 及更高版本”。当我升级 ADT 时,logcat 已被弃用。知道为什么吗?窗口 -> 显示视图 -> 其他 ->logcat(已弃用)。事情就是这样发生的。我仍然可以看到日志......没有问题,但我担心它的寿命。
I upgraded my eclipse with ADT plugin from 10.0 to 15.0 because I was getting an error when I imported a project "This project requires you to upgrade the ADT to 14.0 and above" When I upgraded the ADT, logcat is deprecated.Any idea why? Window ->Show View ->Others ->logcat(deprecated). This is how it occurs. I can still see the log...no issues with that,but I am apprehensive about its longevity.
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您应该在“其他”列表中看到两个条目:LogCat 和 LogCat(已弃用)。后者有 bugdroid 图标;前者有新的基于 lolcat 的图标。
You should see two entries in the Others list: LogCat and LogCat (deprecated). The latter has the bugdroid icon; the former has the new lolcat-based icon.