我基本上想创建 DOM 部分的效果 - div 等 - 就像单页一样,例如 data-role = 内容或页面 - 但不使用 jquery 或 jqmobile,因为我发现这些框架太大而且太复杂我需要的简单任务。它们也经过精心设计,我不想使用。
JQuery 移动页面转换,无需 jQuery mobile
没有 jQuery Mobile 库的 jQuery Mobile CSS3 页面转换
但是这些帖子让我相信有一个简单而轻松的答案可以模仿功能。谁能推荐一些 Javascript、HTML5,甚至是一个轻量级框架来实现这一点?
I basically want to create the effect of parts of the DOM - divs etc - acting like single pages, like the data-role = content or page - but without using jquery or jqmobile as I find those frameworks too big and much too complicated for the simple tasks I require. They also come heavily designed, that I dont want to use.
I saw these posts, but they are looking for similar transitions, not the basic functionality
JQuery mobile page transition without jQuery mobile
jQuery Mobile CSS3 Page Transitions without jQuery Mobile Library
But these posts lead me to believe there is a simple and light answer out there to mimic the functionality. Can anyone suggest some Javascript, HTML5, or even a light framework that does this?
查看 JQM 源代码怎么样?这就是开源项目的好处...;-)
How about just having a look at the JQM source code? That's the nice thing about open-source projects... ;-)
Sourcecode is pretty small, I am sure you'll be able to manually extract whatever fits your needs.