无法在 Windows 7 64 位上安装 LuaEclipse
注意:已经在这篇文章中提出了问题(在 StackOverflow 上提出)。然而问题并没有解决。
当我按照此说明安装LuaEclipse时,对于LuaEclipse 1.2,输入软件的URL后,检查LuaEclipse 1.2并单击Next,它总是报告这样的内容:
无法完成安装,因为某些依赖项不存在 可满足 org.keplerproject.ldt.feature.feature.group [] 无法在此环境中安装,因为 它的过滤器不适用。
- 使用 Eclipse for Windows 64bit:我检查 Lua Development Tool(适用于 32 位),它失败了,所以我检查 64 位版本(不检查 32 位版本),但它仍然失败。我尝试检查所有内容,然后...又失败了。
- 然后我下载了Eclipse for Windows 32bit(是的,它可以在Windows 7 64bit上运行,我用Google搜索,有人使用32位版本的Eclipse解决了这个问题),并尝试了像1.这样的所有可能的检查,但都失败了!
- 我尝试了1.1,并且安装成功,但是我需要1.2版本中的一个重要功能!
有人遇到过这个问题吗?或者你能告诉我任何支持文档的 Eclipse 的 LUA 插件吗(我的意思是,语法自动完成,...)?
Note: Already asked in this post (asked on StackOverflow). However, the problem is not solved.
When I install LuaEclipse by following this instruction, for LuaEclipse 1.2, after input software's URL, check LuaEclipse 1.2 and click Next, it always reports something like this:
Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not
satisfiable org.keplerproject.ldt.feature.feature.group
[] cannot be installed in this environment because
its filter is not applicable.
Here are what I tried:
- With Eclipse for Windows 64bit: I check Lua Development Tool (for 32bit), it failed, so I check 64bit version (without checking 32bit version), but it still failed. I tried checked all, and... it failed again.
- Then I downloaded Eclipse for Windows 32bit (yes, it can run on Windows 7 64bit, and I searched with Google, someone solves the problem by using 32bit version of Eclipse), and tried every possible check like 1., but they all failed!
- I tried 1.1, and it installed successfully, but I need an important feature in 1.2 version!
Has anyone experimence this problem? Or can you tell me any LUA plugin for Eclipse that support documentation (I mean, the auto-completion for syntax, ...)?
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