我正在编写一个需要蓝牙的应用程序。我定期检查是否需要同步一些数据。 Wrt电池使用哪个更好?
- 始终开启蓝牙并在需要通信时使用它。
或者 - 在需要时将其打开并关闭。
I'm writing a app that requires bluetooth. I periodically check if I need to synchronize some data.
W.r.t battery usage which is better ?
- Having bluetooth always on and using it when needed for communication.
OR - Switching it on when needed and switching it off.
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我认为您不应该强制用户使用 BT 状态,无论出于何种原因他们可能更愿意将其保持打开或关闭状态。您的应用程序可以做的唯一一件事就是要求用户在需要时打开 BT(使用意图 BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE),如果您每隔 3000 万左右询问一次,它很快就会变得烦人。
请记住,未经用户同意,不得使用BluetoothAdapter 中的enable() 方法(来自sdk 参考):
I believe you shouldn't force the BT state on the users, for whatever reasons they might prefer to keep it on or off. The only thing you application can do is to ask the user to switch BT on whenever you need it (using intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE), and if you ask every 30mn or so it is rapidly going to be annoying.
Remember the enable() method in BluetoothAdapter should not be used without user consent (from sdk reference):
I think it really depends on the time interval between your checks. If the checks are at large intervals, it's better to switch on/off, otherwise, if they are often it probably won't make much difference to keep in on.
Add a button to "turn on bluetooth and sync", when it's over give the user feedback and then request to turn it off.