uitableview 中的 iPad 弹出窗口,是否使用披露指示器?
在此询问您关于在 UITableView 单元格中使用(或不使用)公开指示符箭头的意见和最佳实践,其中选择该表格视图单元格将启动一个弹出窗口以选择该单元格中该选项的值。
一方面,让披露指示器让您知道选择该选项会显示其他内容是有意义的,但另一方面,向右箭头并不能像在 iPhone 上那样真正导航到新视图。
Asking for your opinions and best practices here about the use (or not) of a disclosure indicator arrow within a UITableView cell where selecting that tableview cell will launch a popover to choose the value of that option in that cell.
On the one hand it makes sense to have the disclosure indicator to let you know selecting that will bring up something else, but on the other hand, the right-pointing arrow doesn't really navigate to a new view like it would on the iPhone.
Ideas, thoughts?
Thank you.
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As tapping the cell does not make a navigation, don't use the disclosure indicator. You can use a custom button designed according to requirement (may be having a down-arrow image,for example) . While tapping this custom button, bring up the pop-over.
Apparently Apple prefers to use a disclosure indicator even if the action if just to show a popover.
An example of this is in the General >'Date & Time' section of the settings app. Turn off set date automatically, then tap on the "Set Date & Time" cell. It has a disclosure indicator but displays a popover when tapped.