如何使用 OneToMany//ManyToOne 关系持久化/刷新doctrine2实体?
类型为 Test\Main\MainBundle\Entity\ProductVariantAssociation 的实体具有标识 通过外部实体 Test\Main\MainBundle\Entity\Product,但是该实体具有 没有实体本身。您必须在相关实体上调用 EntityManager#persist() 并进行 确保在尝试保留之前已生成标识符 '测试\主\MainBundle\实体\ProductVariantAssociation'。如果是后插入 ID 生成(例如 MySQL Auto-Increment 或 PostgreSQL SERIAL)这意味着您必须调用 EntityManager#flush() 在两个持久化操作之间。
我在pastebin 发布了我的ArticleController: http://pastebin.com/iN0BpGFc
I am trying to persist/flush my doctrine2 entities, but I am gettig an error every time:
Entity of type Test\Main\MainBundle\Entity\ProductVariantAssociation has identity
through a foreign entity Test\Main\MainBundle\Entity\Product, however this entity has
no ientity itself. You have to call EntityManager#persist() on the related entity and make
sure it an identifier was generated before trying to persist
'Test\Main\MainBundle\Entity\ProductVariantAssociation'. In case of Post Insert ID
Generation (such as MySQL Auto-Increment or PostgreSQL SERIAL) this means you have to call
EntityManager#flush() between both persist operations.
I posted my ArticleController at pastebin:
Does anybody know, how to solve that problem?
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