我正在阅读 GSMA 的 Rich Communication Suite,并决定进一步阅读。如果你们中的任何人对
- 如何构建客户端以使用其 API 有任何想法,或者
- 有任何文档/RCS API 代码
- 任何深入研究它的链接
,请给我。我非常需要与 RCS 相关的任何类型的内容/想法。
I was reading about Rich Communication Suite by GSMA, and have decided to read it further. If any one of you have any idea about
- how to build client to use its APIs or
- has any documentation/RCS APIs code
- Any links to study it deeply
Then please give me. Any type of content/idea related to RCS is highly needed by me.
Thanks for your help.
--Note : Regrets for inappropriate tag, as I am unable to find any Tag regarding this. Please add this tag to with all the tags.
如果您有两个通过 API 注册的用户,方案将如下:
作为 REST API,您可以使用任何语言、工具、平台、框架...能够发出 HTTP 请求就足够了(从使用 Apache HTTP 库的 Java 到 Linux 上使用 curl 或 wget 的 shell 脚本)。 API 文档可在此处获取:
基本上,您必须注册您的用户(将其设置为可用,与打开您的掌上电脑相同,与在网站上注册无关),然后添加一些联系人(在 GSMA 创新挑战赛中注册的其他用户或手机)使用本机 SIP 客户端),因为您想使用 API 与某人通信。您可以触发操作(您开始聊天、发送文件、视频共享...),并通过其他用户触发的操作向您发出通知(与您交谈、向您发送文件、视频共享...)。通知以 JSON 形式提供,您所需要做的就是解析它们。这是描述行为的简单方法,如果您想要真正的知识,请查看上面的链接(包含精确的 API 描述和 Java 代码示例)。
我鼓励您在开发时阅读上面的文档,并阅读此文档,以便更清楚地了解 API:
最后一个建议:您必须意识到您正在使用的 API隐藏了底层基础设施的(巨大)复杂性,所以要有耐心,不要让挫败感占据你:)我可以说,在最初的差距之后,API 是强大的并且(非常)易于使用。
gsma gsm api rcs sip joyn
For building a client you will need first to get a bit familiar with the whole picture of the system you want to work with:
If you have two users registered through the API, the scheme will be the following:
Being this a REST API you can use any language, tool, platform, framework... Capable of issuing HTTP requests will be enough (ranging from Java with Apache HTTP Library to shell scripting with curl or wget on Linux). The documentation of the API is available here:
Basically, you have to register your user (setting it as available, the same than turning on your handy, nothing to do with registering on a website) and then add some contacts to work with (another user or a mobile phone registered within the GSMA Innovation Challenge with a native SIP client) as you want to use the API to communicate with somebody. You can trigger actions (you start chatting, sending files, video-sharing...) and be notified by the actions that other uses trigger towards you (some talks to you, sends you a file, video-shares...). The notifications are provided as JSON and all you have to do is parsing them. This is a simple way to describe the behaviour, if you want real knowledge check the link above (contains a precise API description and Java code samples).
I encourage you to read the document above when developing and this one to get a sharper idea of the API:
Finally an advice: you have to be conscious that you are working with an API that hides the (great) complexity of the underlying infrastructure, so be patient and don't let the frustation take over you :) I can say that after the initial gap the API is powerful and (very) easy to use.
Hope that helps.
gsma gsm api rcs sip joyn