Clojure 多方法与协议
我是一名 Clojure 新手,正在寻找一些何时使用协议以及何时使用多重方法的具体示例。我知道协议通常旨在创建类型层次结构和典型的 OOP 事物,它们是在多方法之后添加到语言中的,并且协议通常具有更好的性能,所以我的问题是:
I'm a Clojure novice and was looking for some concrete examples of when to use protocols and when to use multimethods. I know that protocols are generally geared towards creating a type hierarchy and typical OOP things, that they were added to the language after multimethods, and that protocols generally have better performance so my question is this:
Are protocols meant to replace multimethods? If not, could you give me an example where I would use multimethods instead of protocols?
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{:media-type :video, :bytes ...}
那么您可以有一个 multimethod然后您可以制作各种
表达式,因此您可以获得类的模块化。但您不必经历所有“包装类层次结构”样板,这对我来说是一个应该留给 Java 世界的祸根。多方法只是函数,对我来说感觉更简洁。I like multimethods when you don't otherwise need a class hierarchy. For example if you have a media database and your records are like
{:media-type :video, :bytes ...}
then you can have a multimethodThen you can make various
That way you can avoid having a central
expression, so you get the modularity of classes. But you don't have to go through all that "wrapper class hierarchy" boilerplate, which to me is a bane that should be left for the Java world. Multimethods are just functions and feel more clojuresque to me.正如 Arthur 提到的,多种方法更强大,也更昂贵。事实上,协议可以被认为是多种方法的特例,其中调度函数是
As mention by Arthur, multimethods are more powerful and more expensive. Indeed, protocols can be thought of as a special case of mutlimethods where the dispatch function is
. Of course, this is not really the case as protocols are more than that.If you need to dispatch on something other than the class of the first argument, you'll need to use a multimethod, or redesign. Dispatching on type is a good use case for protocols.
协议的存在是为了让简单的东西保持简单,并为 clojure 提供一种生成与等效 java 几乎相同的字节码的方法。似乎大多数人大部分时间都在使用协议。当我需要分派多个参数时,我会使用多方法,尽管我必须承认这种情况只出现过一次,而且完整的 isa 层次结构的使用频率甚至更少(我)。简而言之,在需要时使用 Multimethods
以我的经验来看,最好的例子就在一开始,在 core.clj
Multimethods are more powerful and more expensive,
use protocols when they are sufficient but if you need to dispatch based on the phase of the moon as seen from mars then multimethods are your best choice.
Protocols exist to allow the simple stuff to stay simple and provide a way for clojure to generate very much the same bytecode that the equivalent java would. It seems that most people use protocols most of the time. I use multimethods when I need to dispatch on more than one argument, though I have to admit that this has only come up once, and full
hierarchies are used even less often (by me). so in short use Multimethods when you need themthe best example In my expierence is right at the start, in core.clj
Protocol and multimethods are complementary and intended for slightly different use cases.
In general, my advice is to use protocols unless you have a specific case that requires multimethods.
A case where you could require multimethods is something like the following:
Note that you can't use protocols here for both of the following reasons: