我发现这个项目 结构化编辑器 提供了一个实验性结构化代码编辑器原型。
我喜欢这个想法并希望在 Visual Studio 中实现这一点,我有什么选择?
I've found this project Structured Editor that presents an experimental structured code editor prototype.
I love this idea and want this in Visual Studio, what options I have ?
这些东西可以通过 Visual Studio 扩展来完成。据我所知,没有 Visual Studio 扩展能够完全满足您的要求,但是 缩进参考线 类似。
This stuff is possible to do with Visual Studio extensions. As far as I know there is no Visual Studio extension that does exactly what you want, but Indent Guides is similar.
The source code for Indent Guides is available so if you're so inclined, you could modify that to show gradients instead of lines.
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这些东西可以通过 Visual Studio 扩展来完成。据我所知,没有 Visual Studio 扩展能够完全满足您的要求,但是 缩进参考线 类似。
This stuff is possible to do with Visual Studio extensions. As far as I know there is no Visual Studio extension that does exactly what you want, but Indent Guides is similar.
The source code for Indent Guides is available so if you're so inclined, you could modify that to show gradients instead of lines.