- idparent_id
- 那
- title
这样我就可以制作具有无限深度的类别...我有点希望 cakephp 能够理解parent_id(我也尝试过category_id,但是 使 cakePHP 加入自身:D)
I have a table called categories. The table holds categories and their sub(subsub)categories...
Its an easy table:
- id
- parent_id
- title
This way I can make categories with endless depth... I kinda hoped that cakephp would understand parent_id (I also tried category_id, but that makes cakePHP join on itself :D )
What is the right way to tackle this?
NOTE: There is also a 'many to many' table called places. Those places can belong to one or more categories.
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现在,当您对 Category 执行 find() 时,您将获得两个额外的模型,称为 Parent(指向父 id)和 Children(列出其子项)。
Tree behaviour is overkill for this situation. You just need to set your model up like this:
Now, when you do a find() on Category, you'll get two additional Models called Parent (which points to the parent id) and Children (which lists it's children).
看看树的行为;与 MPTT 逻辑。提供给 Oracle 网站的链接已失效;但您可以在蛋糕手册和在线。
Look at the tree behaviour; with MPTT logic. The link supplied to Oracle's website is dead; but you can find a bunch of material about how to use it on the cake manual and online.
Just make sure your table matches that structure for best results within Cake and it's baking.
在类别模型中:belongsTo Parent 和 hasMany Children,都有类“Category”和外键“parent_id”
In Category model: belongsTo Parent and hasMany Children, both have the class 'Category' and foreign key 'parent_id'
对我有用the following
custom recursive function tree()
worked for meRichardAtHome 的答案是正确的。
在 CakePHP 3.+ 中,您可以这样写:
RichardAtHome's answer is the right one.
In CakePHP 3.+ you write:
and don't forger to use 'contain' in your 'find', e.g.:
相关问题 - 假设我按照 @RichardAtHome 的建议实现了 3 级自引用层次结构 - 我明白当我尝试查找特定类别时,它也会为我提供父类别和所有子类别。但是我怎样才能让它找到返回root的路径呢?是否有一些干净的技巧可以完成此任务,或者需要自定义黑客?
我想象在产品表有一个与其关联的类别 ID 的场景中使用此功能,但在向用户显示时我还想显示整个父链,以便他们可以看到类似“糖果/季节性/雀巢”之类的内容 - 然后用户可以更改整个产品层次结构
Related question - assume I have a 3 level self-referencing hierarchy implemented as advised by @RichardAtHome - I understand when I try to find a particular Category it will also get me the parent category and all children categories. However how can I make it find the path back to root? Is there some clean trick to accomplish this or will require a custom hack?
I imagine using this in a scenarios where the Product table has one category ID associated with it but when displaying to users I would like to also display the entire parent chain so that they can see something like 'confectionaries/seasonal/nestle' - and then the user can alter the entire product hierarchy