By asking the development team of Xtend, I got the following answer:
Dear Mr. X,
The major drawback compared to Java development might be that although Xtend's tooling is much better than the tooling provided by other languages, it's still not as good as what Eclipse can do for Java development.
Also note, that Xtend misses some features you might need when integrating with existing Java projects : - definition of constructors - field initialization - declaration of static methods and fields
The next release will have these features and will also come with an easy to use integration to run the compiler in Maven or Ant. It's planned for later this year.
Best Regards, Sven Efftinge
So, to conclude:
(as bjz mentioned) it's quite coupled with an Eclipse environment
critical features are missing
Nevertheless, they seem to be working on them. There is also, a What's next Section
虽然官方/本机 IDE 支持仍然仅限于 Eclipse IDE,但 Jetbrains 的 IntelliJ IDEA 和 Oracle 的 Netbeans 都提供出色的 Maven 支持,这将有助于开发,直到开发出 IDE 特定支持为止。
Since version 2.2 - The Eclipse Xtend Language ( released December 2011 ) now ships with support for both the Apache Ant and Apache Maven build tools.
With the additional of this support, a major drawback of not being about to use Xtend in your continuous integration/build process has been resolved.
Whislt official/native IDE support is still limited to the Eclipse IDE, both IntelliJ IDEA from Jetbrains and Netbeans from Oracle offer excellent Maven support which will assist development until IDE specific support is developed.
编辑:Xtend 现在有一个独立的编译器,但他们似乎仍在推动 Eclipse 集成。从本质上来说,这完全没问题,但这确实意味着您不会在其他 IDE 中获得同样出色的体验。请访问他们的网站,了解他们的未来计划。
I haven't tried out Xtend extensively, but I did come across this article last week, and I found very enlightening:
Tight coupling with eclipse tooling
Xtend and Xtext are doubtlessly eclipse technologies through and through. This is a definite advantage for starting to use these technologies since they offer nice integration with the eclipse IDE. As a downside, however, code written in the Xtend language might be difficult to use with other tools apart from eclipse. On the other hand, the Java code generated by Xtend is vanilla Java code (apart from the lightweight Xtend library used in the generated code). This code, of course, can be used by most other tools. Therefore, I have chosen above to place the xtend source files not in the main Java source code folder of the project (src/main/java) but into a separate folder (src/main/xtext). This enabled to let Java code be generated into the src/main/java folder. From there, it can be picked up and used by other tools such as Maven.
In places, insufficient documentation
The documentation available for Xtend is far from extensive. In comparison, the documentation available for Groovy is extensive including books and various web sites.
EDIT: Xtend now has a standalone compiler, but they still seem to be pushing the Eclipse integration. Which is completely fine by mean, but it does mean that you won't have as great of an experience in other IDEs. Check out their site to see their future plans.
尽管如此,他们似乎正在努力解决这些问题。还有一个 下一步 部分
By asking the development team of Xtend, I got the following answer:
So, to conclude:
Nevertheless, they seem to be working on them. There is also, a What's next Section
从版本 2.2 开始,Eclipse Xtend 语言(2011 年 12 月发布)现在支持 Apache Ant 和 Apache Maven 构建工具。
通过额外的这种支持,在持续集成/构建过程中不使用 Xtend 的一个主要缺点已经得到解决。
虽然官方/本机 IDE 支持仍然仅限于 Eclipse IDE,但 Jetbrains 的 IntelliJ IDEA 和 Oracle 的 Netbeans 都提供出色的 Maven 支持,这将有助于开发,直到开发出 IDE 特定支持为止。
Since version 2.2 - The Eclipse Xtend Language ( released December 2011 ) now ships with support for both the Apache Ant and Apache Maven build tools.
With the additional of this support, a major drawback of not being about to use Xtend in your continuous integration/build process has been resolved.
Whislt official/native IDE support is still limited to the Eclipse IDE, both IntelliJ IDEA from Jetbrains and Netbeans from Oracle offer excellent Maven support which will assist development until IDE specific support is developed.
我还没有广泛尝试过 Xtend,但我确实遇到了 这篇文章< /a> 上周,我发现非常有启发:
编辑:Xtend 现在有一个独立的编译器,但他们似乎仍在推动 Eclipse 集成。从本质上来说,这完全没问题,但这确实意味着您不会在其他 IDE 中获得同样出色的体验。请访问他们的网站,了解他们的未来计划。
I haven't tried out Xtend extensively, but I did come across this article last week, and I found very enlightening:
EDIT: Xtend now has a standalone compiler, but they still seem to be pushing the Eclipse integration. Which is completely fine by mean, but it does mean that you won't have as great of an experience in other IDEs. Check out their site to see their future plans.