The actual answer to the question is no -- Apple does not allow UIAlertView to be subclassed. From the UIAlertView docs:
Subclassing Notes
The UIAlertView class is intended to be used as-is and does not support subclassing. The view hierarchy for this class is private and must not be modified.
No one but Apple can adequately answer this question, so the best thing is to put it to the test. I think the main question you have to ask yourself is: Have I violated any provisions in the Apple Developer Agreement? If not, then submit your app. If you are worried about rejection, think of another way in which this could be done, as a backup, and be prepared to submit that in case of a problem.
Not that you have asked, but I would also opine that this change to Apple's design is not very intuitive. Do you mean the switch to mean "also delete from moquus?" as you already have a big delete button there. If the switch is off, then what does the delete button delete?
这个问题的实际答案是否——Apple 不允许UIAlertView 被子类化。来自 UIAlertView 文档:
子类化 UIAlertView
The actual answer to the question is no -- Apple does not allow UIAlertView to be subclassed. From the UIAlertView docs:
Found here:
Subclassing UIAlertView
不是你问的,但我也认为苹果设计的这种改变不是很直观。您的意思是切换为“也从 moquus 中删除”吗?因为你已经有一个大的删除按钮了。如果开关关闭,那么删除按钮会删除什么?
No one but Apple can adequately answer this question, so the best thing is to put it to the test. I think the main question you have to ask yourself is: Have I violated any provisions in the Apple Developer Agreement? If not, then submit your app. If you are worried about rejection, think of another way in which this could be done, as a backup, and be prepared to submit that in case of a problem.
Not that you have asked, but I would also opine that this change to Apple's design is not very intuitive. Do you mean the switch to mean "also delete from moquus?" as you already have a big delete button there. If the switch is off, then what does the delete button delete?