我的 jar 中缺少标准消息正文阅读器提供程序
我有一个简单的 jar 应用程序,它使用球衣客户端 jar。 当我从 Eclipse 或 mvn exec 运行我的主类时,一切都很顺利。
当我构建 jar 然后使用 java -jar 运行它时,我得到:
com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException:未找到 Java 类 java.lang.String、Java 类型类 java.lang.String 和 MIME 媒体类型 application/json 的消息正文读取器
,即所有标准 Java 类型我客户的提供商列表中缺少正文阅读器提供商。
我在客户端的 pom.xml 依赖项中声明为:
- jersey-client
- jersey-core
- jersey-json
- jersey-server
- jackson-mapper-asl
- jackson-core-asl
- jersey-multipart
使我的应用程序正常工作的唯一方法是在中声明 StringProvider 类我客户的配置...
但是这个提供者声明必须只对自定义 bean 是必要的?默认情况下可以访问标准 bean 提供程序吗?不是吗?
I must missing something for two days now...
I have a simple jar app which use a jersey client jar.
When I run my main class from Eclipse or from mvn exec everything goes fine.
When I build my jar then run it with a java -jar, I get :
com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: A message body reader for Java class java.lang.String, and Java type class java.lang.String, and MIME media type application/json was not found
i.e. all standard Java types body readers providers are missing from my client's providers list.
I declare in the client's pom.xml dependencies to :
- jersey-client
- jersey-core
- jersey-json
- jersey-server
- jackson-mapper-asl
- jackson-core-asl
- jersey-multipart
The only way for making my app working is to declare StringProvider class in my client's config...
But this provider decleration must only be necessary for custom beans? Standard bean providers are accessible by default? Aren't they?
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I'm finding this almost a year after it was posted, but turns out that my problem was due to merging everything into a single jar using shade. Adding a couple more transformers seems to have fixed things up. My shade plugin conf now looks like so:
Hope this helps someone.
您是否将所有类捆绑在一个 jar 中(包括球衣模块中的类)?如果是这样,那么看起来您丢失了一些 META-INF 文件,或者您以一种模块中的同名文件覆盖了其他模块中的同名文件的方式合并了它。
Are you bundling all the classes in a single jar (including the classes from jersey modules)? If so, then this looks like you are missing some META-INF files or you merged it in such a way that one file of the same name in one module overwrote a file with the same name from some other module.