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Closed 9 years ago.
Spring(包括 SpringMVC)的一个很酷的事情是,它会一路教你很多东西。
与其他一些技术的有趣区别=> Spring 99.9% 也会教你很棒的模式。
使用 Spring MVC,不要不要害怕得不到什么。有 Spring 论坛、SO、Google 等。你会没事的:)
One cool thing about Spring ( including SpringMVC ), it'll teach you many things along the way.
Interesting difference with some other techs => Spring 99.9% will teach you awesome patterns as well.
Go with Spring MVC, don't be afraid of not getting something. There are Spring Forum, SO, Google.. etc. You'll be fine :)
我会遵循那个教程,它做得很好并且涵盖了几乎 Spring MVC 的各个方面
I would follow that tutorial, it's quite well done and cover pretty much every aspect of Spring MVC
文章 0 评论 0
Spring(包括 SpringMVC)的一个很酷的事情是,它会一路教你很多东西。
与其他一些技术的有趣区别=> Spring 99.9% 也会教你很棒的模式。
使用 Spring MVC,不要不要害怕得不到什么。有 Spring 论坛、SO、Google 等。你会没事的:)
One cool thing about Spring ( including SpringMVC ), it'll teach you many things along the way.
Interesting difference with some other techs => Spring 99.9% will teach you awesome patterns as well.
Go with Spring MVC, don't be afraid of not getting something. There are Spring Forum, SO, Google.. etc. You'll be fine :)
我会遵循那个教程,它做得很好并且涵盖了几乎 Spring MVC 的各个方面
I would follow that tutorial, it's quite well done and cover pretty much every aspect of Spring MVC