如何使用 Mustache.js 进行高级 i18n 操作?
Twitter 似乎正在使用 fork 的 Mustache.js 为其模板提供国际化?
var template = "{{_i}}{{name}} is using mustache.js!{{/i}}"
var view = {
name: "Matt"
var translationTable = {
// Welsh, according to Google Translate
"{{name}} is using mustache.js!": "Mae {{name}} yn defnyddio mustache.js!"
function _(text) {
return translationTable[text] || text;
alert(Mustache.to_html(template, view));
// alerts "Mae Matt yn defnyddio mustache.js!"
但我想对如何构造 _(text) 函数和翻译表以提供条件、单数、复数等有更多的了解。解决更高级用例的示例将不胜感激。
It seems Twitter is using a fork of Mustache.js to provide i18n to its templates?
Could someone give a brief example of how this is done and perhaps also outline what semantics is necessary to crowdsource these translations?
There is of course this simple example:
var template = "{{_i}}{{name}} is using mustache.js!{{/i}}"
var view = {
name: "Matt"
var translationTable = {
// Welsh, according to Google Translate
"{{name}} is using mustache.js!": "Mae {{name}} yn defnyddio mustache.js!"
function _(text) {
return translationTable[text] || text;
alert(Mustache.to_html(template, view));
// alerts "Mae Matt yn defnyddio mustache.js!"
But I'd like some more insight on how to structure the _(text) function and translationTable to provide conditionals, singular, plural etc. Examples of solving more advanced use cases would be much appreciated.
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构建更高级的案例(包括条件、循环等)的方式与常规 Mustache 库完全相同。您可以使用新的 I18N {{_i}} 开始和 {{/i}} 结束标记来包装模板的某些部分以进行翻译。
有关完整示例,请参阅 http://jsfiddle.net/ZsqYG/2/。
Structuring the more advanced cases including conditionals, loops and so on are done in the exact same way as with the regular Mustache library. You can use the new I18N {{_i}} start and {{/i}} end tags to wrap parts of your template for translation purposes.
If you template is:
you can just wrap the first line
and include the inner part in the translation map.
See http://jsfiddle.net/ZsqYG/2/ for a complete example.
我相信您想要做的是将 i18n 功能与 Mustache 一起使用。这可以通过重载 Mustache.render 方法来实现,如下所示:
I believe what you want to do is to use i18n features with Mustache. This can be achieved by overloading the Mustache.render method as follow:
您需要维护的只是模板和数据之间的 1:1 映射。
I know i'm not answering your question really, but unless you are planning on spending a lot of time on this project I would seriously consider just leaving this as a data issue.
Then just make the template generic:
All you need to maintain is a 1:1 mapping between templates and data.
Keep it simple :)