在 Ada 2005 中构建具有任务属性的类
我在 Ada 2005 中有一个类 Test_Class
,它有一个名为 Primary 的父级链接任务属性,来自 Primary_Task 类型,定义为:
type Test_Class is tagged limited
Info : Integer;
Value : Float;
Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
end record;
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr is
return new Test_Class'(Info => T.Info + 1,
Value => 0.0,
Primary => [WHAT I WANNA KNOW]);
end Construct;
-- test_pkg.ads
package Test_Pkg is
type Test_Class;
type Test_Class_Ptr is access all Test_Class;
task type Primary_Task (This_Test : access Test_Class) is
pragma Storage_Size (1000);
end Primary_Task;
type Test_Class is tagged limited
Info : Integer;
Value : Float;
Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
end record;
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr;
end Test_Pkg;
-- test_pkg.adb
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
package body Test_Pkg is
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr is
T_Ptr : constant Test_Class_Ptr := new Test_Class;
T_Ptr.Info := T.Info + 1;
T_Ptr.Value := 0.0;
return T_Ptr;
end Construct;
end Test_Pkg;
那么,我该如何编码呢?我应该在 Primary => 中放入什么? [...]
代码?我是否应该更改 Test_Class
定义中的 Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
I have a class Test_Class
in Ada 2005 which has a parent-linked task property called Primary, from type Primary_Task, defined as:
type Test_Class is tagged limited
Info : Integer;
Value : Float;
Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
end record;
I need build a one-step constructor for my class in the form
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr is
return new Test_Class'(Info => T.Info + 1,
Value => 0.0,
Primary => [WHAT I WANNA KNOW]);
end Construct;
Currently my code is:
-- test_pkg.ads
package Test_Pkg is
type Test_Class;
type Test_Class_Ptr is access all Test_Class;
task type Primary_Task (This_Test : access Test_Class) is
pragma Storage_Size (1000);
end Primary_Task;
type Test_Class is tagged limited
Info : Integer;
Value : Float;
Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
end record;
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr;
end Test_Pkg;
-- test_pkg.adb
with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
package body Test_Pkg is
function Construct (T : access Test_Class) return Test_Class_Ptr is
T_Ptr : constant Test_Class_Ptr := new Test_Class;
T_Ptr.Info := T.Info + 1;
T_Ptr.Value := 0.0;
return T_Ptr;
end Construct;
end Test_Pkg;
So, how can I code it? What should I put in Primary => [...]
code? Should I change the definition of Primary : Primary_Task (Test_Class'Access);
in Test_Class
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我在 comp.lang.ada 上得到 Randy Brukardt(谢谢)的答复:
但是,我尝试使用 GNAT GPL 2011 对其进行编译,并得到了下面的 GNATBUG,
因此 GNAT GPL 用户可能必须等待下一个版本才能使用此解决方案。
I got an answer from Randy Brukardt (thank you) on comp.lang.ada:
However, I tried to compile it using GNAT GPL 2011 and got the GNATBUG below
So GNAT GPL users may have to wait for the next release to use this solution.