我是 Web 开发新手,一直在 Visual Studio 中构建我的网站。我建立了一个数据库,存储在 App_Data 文件夹中。数据库是开放的(没有密码),但是当网站准备好并且当我将其发布到服务器上时,数据库会发生什么。我将如何添加密码。它是否仍存储在项目内,或者我可以将其移动到托管服务器的数据库文件夹中吗?我可能会问一些愚蠢的问题,但它们困扰着我。
I am new to web development and have been building my websites in Visual Studio. I have built a database which is stored in App_Data folder. The database is open(no password) but when the website will be ready and when I will publish it onto a server then what will happen to the databases. How will I add the password. Will it remain stored inside the project or can I move it to the hosting server's database folder's. I maybe be asking silly questions but they are bothering me.
*Please bear with me, I am dyslexic and have problems doing normal things.
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我猜你正在本地使用 SQL Server Express,如果是这样,你可能会找到你的托管公司,抱歉,我在本篇文章中说了很多(托管公司)不支持 Express。这意味着您将不得不选择它的老大哥,但大多数计划都会在最便宜的计划中至少提供一项。
尽管如此,您的数据库很可能不会进入您的 App_Data 文件夹,我建议您联系您的托管公司并向他们询问该过程。但要记住的一件事是,确保您喜欢您的托管公司,并且它们不会消失,因为一旦您完成了所有设置并将数据放入其中的过程,您就需要移动它!!!
No questions are silly everyone on this site was a beginner once and I’m sure they have all in the same boat.
When it comes to deploying a database each hosting company will be set up differently and most likely each hosting plan at that company will be different. My hosting company helped me out the first time and it was actually much easier than getting my first database to work on my own computer, but a lot more time consuming.
I’m guessing you are using SQL Server Express locally, if so you will probably find your hosting company, sorry I’ve said (Hosting Company) a lot in this spiel, doesn’t support Express. This will mean you will have to go with its big brother, but most plans will have at least one available on the cheapest plan.
All that said, your database will most likely not go in you App_Data folder, I suggest contacting you hosting company and ask them about the process. One thing to keep in mind though is make sure you like you hosting company and they are not going to go away, because once you go through the process of setting it all up and getting your data into it, you want to ever have to move it!!!
So time consuming and pleasantly easy,