网页源代码中 href 的哈希值
我有一个简单的问题。 此网站显示了我的问题。查找 Web 源代码并找到类似于以下内容的行:
<a href="#">Next</a>
如果我单击此站点上的“下一步”,# 将重定向到哪里?
基本上我喜欢从该网站上显示统计数据的所有页面获取所有数据。我必须使用 C#,但我仍然不知道如何浏览这个 javascript 页面
I have simple question. This website shows my problem. Look for web source and find line similar to:
<a href="#">Next</a>
Where does # redirect if I click Next on this site?
Basicly i like to get all data from all pages on that site which shows statistics. I have to use C# and i still dont know how to navigate through this javascript pages
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是当前页面顶部的相对 URI。在这种情况下,它可能被用作“我懒得使用渐进增强”破解一个链接,该链接将附加一个 JavaScript 事件处理程序。
is a relative URI to the top of the current page.In this case, it is probably being used as a "I can't be bothered to use progressive enhancement" hack for a link that will have a JavaScript event handler attached to it.
For further reading see fragment identifiers and how to create anchors.
前面带有 # 的链接 href 会指向同一页面上的锚点。
标记绑定到 javascript 点击事件,而无需访问 href 中的链接。A link href preceaded with # leads to an Anchor on the same page.
Since the href is "#" it will lead to the top of the page..
This is usually used to jump between places in the same page.
In the case of the link you provided, the "#" is used to have an
tag bound to a javascript click event without visiting the link in the href .当您单击它时,它将引导您到页面顶部(在本例中)。
When you click on it, it will lead you to the top of the page (in this case).