我正在尝试使用 c# sdk 构建一个 facebook 应用程序,
我收到的部分简介是允许用户从所有朋友的列表中选择特定的朋友,然后向选定的朋友发送一份“礼物”(在你在 Facebook 上看到的带有文字的图片)。
Im trying to build a facebook app using the c# sdk
Part of the brief I have been given is to allow the user to select specific friends from a list of all of there friends, the selected friends will then be sent a 'gift' (on of those pictures with text you see in facebook).
I just need to know if this is possbile. I have been googling and cant find any solution.
如果它是画布应用程序,请使用请求 - https://developers.facebook.com/docs /reference/dialogs/requests/
If it's a canvas app, use Requests - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/
If it's not, your only real fallback option is stream posting, but posting to multiple friends at once that way isn't allowed and will massively increase the spam reports of your app