我正在开发 j2me 应用程序。我需要在特定端口上接收短信。定义接收短信的最佳端口是哪个? 感谢您的建议
I am developing j2me app. I need to receive sms on specific port. Which is the best port to define for receiving sms?
Thanks for advice
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SMS 规范 (JSR 120) 规定您不能拥有其他应用程序正在使用的端口此时,您也不能拥有下表中指定的任何端口。
不过,我强烈建议将端口号限制在 1 到 65535 之间。
The SMS spec (JSR 120) says you can't have a port that another app is using at that time, and also you can't have any of the ports that are specified in the following table.
Oddly, I can't see any restriction on any other values of the port number. I'm sure this must be set out somewhere but I can't find it in the spec.
However, I strongly suggest restricting yourself to port numbers between 1 and 65535.
Generally 5001 port is use for such operation. you can see very good example here.