Yes. If you have multiple GPUs you can use each vendor for each. But you have to register your device. Read the installation notes for Linux sytems. You can also run Intel or even AMD on you CPU (Assuming you have Multi-core CPU). You even can use AMD's OpenCL for some Intel processors (It seems to work, but no guarantee there). You might see some devices (CPU probably) listed twice if you have Intel and AMD OpenCL on the same machine.
If I am not mistaken starting from GTX260 NVIDIA cards have double-precision support. You can use a cheaper one for development and move to a better GPU for testing or measurement.
Maybe someone else can help you with that. I don't have much info about AMD GPUs.
是的。如果您有多个 GPU,则可以为每个 GPU 使用每个供应商。但您必须注册您的设备。阅读 Linux 系统的安装说明。您还可以在 CPU 上运行 Intel 甚至 AMD(假设您有多核 CPU)。您甚至可以将 AMD 的 OpenCL 用于某些 Intel 处理器(它似乎可以工作,但不能保证)。
如果同一台计算机上有 Intel 和 AMD OpenCL,您可能会看到某些设备(可能是 CPU)列出了两次。 是的
如果我没记错的话,从 GTX260 开始,NVIDIA 卡就有了双精度支持。您可以使用更便宜的 GPU 进行开发,然后改用更好的 GPU 进行测试或测量。
也许其他人可以帮助你。我没有太多有关 AMD GPU 的信息。
Yes it is possible to use such configuration.
Yes. If you have multiple GPUs you can use each vendor for each. But you have to register your device. Read the installation notes for Linux sytems. You can also run Intel or even AMD on you CPU (Assuming you have Multi-core CPU). You even can use AMD's OpenCL for some Intel processors (It seems to work, but no guarantee there).
You might see some devices (CPU probably) listed twice if you have Intel and AMD OpenCL on the same machine.
If I am not mistaken starting from GTX260 NVIDIA cards have double-precision support. You can use a cheaper one for development and move to a better GPU for testing or measurement.
Maybe someone else can help you with that. I don't have much info about AMD GPUs.