当 ultracomboeditor 专注时想做一些事情
我在 C# winform 应用程序中使用 Infragistics Controls 的 UltraComboEditior,我想在 UltroComboEditior 通过 MouseClick 或 KeyBoard Tab 按钮获得焦点时显示消息框,我该怎么做?有什么建议吗?我尝试过 BeforeDropDown,但仅当我们单击箭头按钮显示下拉列表时才会调用它,但我仅使用自动完成选项设置为 true 的下拉列表。
I am using UltraComboEditior of Infragistics Conrtrols in C# winform application, I want to show a messageBox when UltroComboEditior got focues by MouseClick or KeyBoard Tab button, how can I do it? Any suggestions ? I tried BeforeDropDown but it is called only when we click on arrow button to show drop down list but I am using only drop down with auto complete option set to be true.
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它不是继承了 OnGotFocus您可以订阅哪些活动?
Doesn't it inherit the OnGotFocus event which you can subscribe to?
UltraComboEditor 控件具有“Enter”事件,该事件在该控件成为窗体的活动控件时触发,并且该事件在两种情况下都会触发 - 当控件通过使用 Tab 键获得焦点时以及当您使用鼠标时。
UltraComboEditor control has "Enter" event which fires when the control becomes the active control of the form, and this event will fire in both situations - when the control got focus by using your Tab key, and when you are using your mouse.
I hope that this will help you to achieve your goal.