泛型地狱 - 如何将 joda.DateTime 传递给 Hamcrest Matcher.greaterThan?
JodaTime 有
public final class DateTime extends BaseDateTime {...}
public interface ReadableInstant extends Comparable<ReadableInstant>
Hamcrest 有
public static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>
greaterThan(T value) {...}
greaterThan(new DateTime());
然后我得到一个编译错误(Eclipse 给出了大部分线索)
Matchers类型的泛型方法greaterThan(T)不适用 对于参数(日期时间)。推断的类型 DateTime 不是有效的替代品 对于有界参数>
我认为 greaterThan
public static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>> org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>
greaterThan(T value)
JodaTime has
public final class DateTime extends BaseDateTime {...}
which works its way up to
public interface ReadableInstant extends Comparable<ReadableInstant>
Hamcrest has
public static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>
greaterThan(T value) {...}
If I try
greaterThan(new DateTime());
then I get a compile error (Eclipse gives most clue)
The generic method greaterThan(T) of type Matchers is not applicable
for the arguments (DateTime). The inferred type DateTime is not a valid substitute
for the bounded parameter >
Am I right in thinking that the signature of greaterThan
should actually be
public static <T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>> org.hamcrest.Matcher<? super T>
greaterThan(T value)
? And is there a way to fit these together short of casting to the raw Comparable
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如果您经常使用它并且对转换感到困扰,您还可以像这样实现自己的 Matcher:
public static Matcher<AbstractPartial> isAfter(final AbstractPartial partial) {
return new BaseMatcher<AbstractPartial>(){
public void describeTo(final Description description) {
description.appendText("after partial: ").appendValue(partial);
public boolean matches(final Object object) {
if (object instanceof AbstractPartial) {
return ((LocalDate) object).isAfter(partial);
return false;
Set<LocalDate> dates = Sets.newHashSet(new LocalDate(2013, 1, 1), new LocalDate(2013, 1, 2), new LocalDate(
2013, 1, 3));
CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(filter(isAfter(new LocalDate(2013, 1, 1)), dates),
Lists.newArrayList(new LocalDate(2013, 1, 2), new LocalDate(2013, 1, 3))), is(true));
如果您想使用 DateTime 而不是 LocalDate,只需在第一个清单中用 AbstractInstant 替换 AbstractPartial 即可。
不幸的是,我不相信您可以使用静态导入来调用它并指定类型参数 - 但这可能不会太困难。
我手头没有 Hamcrest,但在测试类型中使用您给我的签名,上面的方法对我来说效果很好。
Yes, it looks to me like that would be a better signature.
Have you tried specifying the comparison type explicitly?
I don't believe you can call it using a static import and also specifying the type argument, unfortunately - but that may not be too much of hardship.
Of course an alternative is to cast the argument:
I don't have Hamcrest handy, but the above worked fine for me using the signature you'd given me, in a test type.