[10, 20], [15, 25], [40, 100], [5, 14]
间隔是封闭的整数,并且某些间隔可能会重叠。我想有效地找到给定查询的重叠间隔。例如,如果给出 [16, 22]
[10, 20], [15, 25]
我目前正在编写一个基于红黑树的区间树(参考:CLRS,算法简介)。虽然找到所有重叠间隔的时间复杂度可能是 O(n),但运行时间应该更快。请注意,可以删除和插入间隔。
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_46_1/ libs/icl/doc/html/index.html
我尝试过,但行为对我来说很奇怪。例如,如果先插入 [2, 7]
,然后插入 [3, 8]
,则生成的地图将具有 [2, 3)
、[3, 7]
、(7, 8]
我可以把或者,Boost 的功能? interval_map
What I want to do is handling interval efficiently. For example, in my example, intervals are like the following:
[10, 20], [15, 25], [40, 100], [5, 14]
Intervals are closed and integers, and some of intervals may be ovelapped. I want to find overlapped intervals for a given query efficiently. For example, if [16, 22]
is given:
[10, 20], [15, 25]
The above intervals should be computed as overalpped intervals.
I'm currently writing an interval tree based on Red-Black Tree (reference: CLRS, Introduction to Algorithms). Although finding all overlapped intervals can be O(n), the running time should be faster. Note that intervals can be deleted and inserted.
However, I just found that Boost has interval_map
and interval_set
I tried it, but the behavior is very strange for me. For example, if [2, 7]
is inserted first and then [3, 8]
is inserted, then the resulting map will have [2, 3)
, [3, 7]
, and (7, 8]
. That is, when a new interval is inserted, splitting is automatically done.
Can I turn off this feature? Or, Boost's interval_map
is right for my purpose?
interval_map; > >
时,只需将make_pair(I, II)
。因此,对于上面的示例,您可以这样做:请注意,boost 文档表明
并不是特别有效,位于 此页面。因此,这表明您可能想要编写自己的集合概念的实现,或者使用与std::set
不同的实现。I think you could use an
interval_map<int, set<discrete_interval<int> > >
. Whenever you want to add an intervalI
, just addmake_pair(I, II)
to the map, whereII
is aset
containing onlyI
. So for the example above, you would do:Note that the boost documentation suggests that an
s is not particularly efficient, at the bottom of this page. So this suggests you might want to write your own implementation of the set concept, or use a different one thanstd::set
无论如何,Boost 确实允许您选择 间隔组合样式。因此,如果您想强制采用一种更难找到重叠的结构,您可以这样做。
You asked for a data structure that could find overlaps efficiently. This does so, by storing overlaps in the data structure. Now you seem to be complaining that it has done so.
This example explains the logic:
When you add two overlapping intervals, you actually create three intervals with distinct properties. The overlap is in both original intervals, make it a logically distinct interval from either of the original intervals. And the two original intervals now span times with different properties (some that overlap the original, some that don't). This splitting makes it efficient to find overlaps, since they are their own intervals in the map.
In any event, Boost does allow you to select the interval combining style. So if you want to force a structure that makes it harder to find overlaps, you can do so.
我认为CLRS《算法导论》中基于红黑树的实现要好得多。奇怪的是,尽管 std::set 和 std::map 基于 RB 树,但没有允许增强的红黑树实现。
I tried boost interval_map and interval_set. They are very inefficient. The setup cost is very high because the implementation basically maps each subinterval (intersection) to all the intervals that contain it.
I think the implementation in CLRS "introduction to algorithms" based on red-black tree is far better. It is strange there is no red-black tree implementation out there that allows augmentation, even though std::set and std::map are based on RB tree.