Careful! You don't want to use Haml unmodified in a CMS. The reason is that Haml can embed any Ruby code, and that therefore your CMS pages will be able to do nasty things like
%h1 My Cat
%p This is a picture of my cat.
- User.delete_all
I understand, though, that Radiant can use Haml; I suppose they must have sandboxed it to use Radius (their limited template language) instead of full Ruby -- at least I hope they did!
This probably doesn't really answer your question, but have you thought about using something like ActiveAdmin or RailsAdmin to build a simple one of your own? You could still install compass or bourbon or whatever you like.
Just found this, it's called Octopress - it runs on jekyll but it has built-in support for Sass and Compass, and there is plugin/converter for haml. It looks like a good tool.
看看 Nesta CMS。它基于 Sinatra,非常轻巧,支持所有Sinatra 支持的模板选项,有一个很好的插件系统,可以在 Heroku 上免费托管。
有关由 Nesta 驱动的适当示例网站,请查看 The Sass Way。
Have a look at Nesta CMS. It's based on Sinatra, is pretty light, supports all of the templating options that Sinatra supports, has a nice plugin system and can be hosted for free on Heroku.
For an appropriate example site driven by Nesta, have a look at The Sass Way.
小心!您不想在 CMS 中使用未经修改的 Haml。原因是 Haml 可以嵌入任何 Ruby 代码,因此您的 CMS 页面将能够做一些令人讨厌的事情,就像
我理解的那样, Radiant可以使用Haml;我想他们一定已经将其沙盒化以使用 Radius(他们有限的模板语言)而不是完整的 Ruby —— 至少我希望他们这么做了!
Careful! You don't want to use Haml unmodified in a CMS. The reason is that Haml can embed any Ruby code, and that therefore your CMS pages will be able to do nasty things like
I understand, though, that Radiant can use Haml; I suppose they must have sandboxed it to use Radius (their limited template language) instead of full Ruby -- at least I hope they did!
还有 非常棒。
There is also which is pretty awesome.
这可能并不能真正回答您的问题,但是您是否考虑过使用 ActiveAdmin 之类的东西或者 RailsAdmin 构建一个简单的您自己的?您仍然可以安装 compass 或 bourbon 或任何您喜欢的东西。
刚刚发现这个,它叫做 Octopress - 它在 jekyll 上运行,但它内置了对 Sass 和 Compass 的支持,并且有 haml 的插件/转换器。它看起来是一个很好的工具。
This probably doesn't really answer your question, but have you thought about using something like ActiveAdmin or RailsAdmin to build a simple one of your own? You could still install compass or bourbon or whatever you like.
Just found this, it's called Octopress - it runs on jekyll but it has built-in support for Sass and Compass, and there is plugin/converter for haml. It looks like a good tool.