crontab 在 Linux 中不起作用
我的 Linux 版本是 red hat enterprise linux server release 5.3 tikanga
我已安排 crontab 如下所示
1 * * * * /usr/ 2>&1 >> /usr/result.txt
crontab 作业未按计划时间运行...
My Linux version is red hat enterprise linux server release 5.3 tikanga
i have schedule crontab as below
1 * * * * /usr/ 2>&1 >> /usr/result.txt
crontab job not running on scheduled time...
Please suggest..
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正如 +Shawn Chin 所说,如果您只想运行一次命令,那么 at 命令是您的朋友。
如果您想重复运行命令,那么使用 cron 框架是正确的。可以使用以下命令获取解释 crontab 字段的手册页:
您似乎位于印度时区 (IST)。您可能必须在 crontab 中指定它。例如,使用“crontab -e”命令(要保存并退出,请键入“ESC-wq”,因为编辑器默认为 VI):
请注意,“2>&1”应放在“之后” >>> /usr/result.txt',而不是之前。
As said by +Shawn Chin, if you want to run your command only once, the at command is your friend.
If you want to run your command repeatedly, then you are right to use the cron framework. The manual page explaining the fields of the crontab may be obtained with the following command:
You appear to be in an Indian time-zone (IST). You may have to specify that into the crontab. For instance, using the 'crontab -e' command (to save and quit, type 'ESC-wq', as the editor is VI by default):
Note that '2>&1' should be placed AFTER '>> /usr/result.txt', not before.
just to mention it and make sure
有时,这可能是由于您的默认 shell 只是 sh 而不是 bash 造成的。
Try this at first.
Then you may received a mail for every minutes. Check the error output.
Sometimes, it may caused by your default shell is just sh instead of bash.
So, maybe ">>" is not supported.
You should check do you have /usr permission when you want to write into it.