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Closed 13 years ago.
老实说,如果您的三台虚拟机均位于单独的 NAT 下,并且一台虚拟机具有公共 ipv4 地址,那么您无需在工作站 7 中进行任何具体配置。您就可以开始测试打洞了。
Honestly, if your three VMs are each under separate NATs and one VM has a public ipv4 address, then there is nothing specific you need to configure within workstation 7. You are ready to go to test hole punching.
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老实说,如果您的三台虚拟机均位于单独的 NAT 下,并且一台虚拟机具有公共 ipv4 地址,那么您无需在工作站 7 中进行任何具体配置。您就可以开始测试打洞了。
Honestly, if your three VMs are each under separate NATs and one VM has a public ipv4 address, then there is nothing specific you need to configure within workstation 7. You are ready to go to test hole punching.