我正在尝试在 verilog 中创建一个计数器,它可以计算已经有多少个时钟周期,在一千万之后它将重置并重新开始。
我创建了一个 24 位加法器模块以及另一个包含 24 个 D 触发器的模块,用于存储从加法器输出的周期计数。
I am trying to create a counter in verilog which counts how many clock cycles there have been and after ten million it will reset and start again.
I have created a twenty four bit adder module along with another module containing twenty four D Flip flops to store the count of the cycles outputted from the adder.
I then want to have a state machine which is in the count state until ten million cycles have passed then it goes to a reset state.
Does this sound right? The problem is I am not sure how to implement the state machine.
Can anyone point me to a website/book which could help me with this?
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正如 Paul S 已经提到的,如果您希望计数器在溢出后继续计数,则不需要状态机。您可以执行以下操作(未经测试,可能包含拼写错误):
[编辑] 这里有一些文档可以帮助您使用 FSM。我刚刚在Google上搜索了“verilog状态机”:
我还没有读过第一篇论文,所以我无法对此发表评论。第二个展示了 FSM 的各种编码风格,其中 3 种总是块风格,我强烈推荐这种风格,因为它更容易调试(状态转换和 FSM 输出被整齐地分开)。该链接似乎已关闭,所以这里是 缓存的 Google 结果。
As Paul S already mentioned, there is no need for a state machine if you want your counter to keep counting after an overflow. You can do something like this (untested, might contain typos):
Of course, normally you'd use parameters so you don't have to make a custom module every time you want an overflowing counter. I'll leave that to you ;).
[Edit] And here are some documents to help you with FSM. I just searched Google for "verilog state machine":
I haven't read the first paper, so I can't comment on that. The 2nd one shows various styles of coding FSMs, among which the 3 always blocks style, which I highly recommend, because it's a lot easier to debug (state transitions and FSM output are neatly separated). The link seems to be down, so here is the cached Google result.
您不需要状态机。你已经在柜台里有了状态。您需要做的就是检测要包装的值并在该点将 0 加载到计数器中
You don't need a state machine. You already have state in the counter. All you need to do is detect the value you want to wrap at and load 0 into your counter at that point
In pseudo-code:
状态机并不太棘手。使用 localparam (带有宽度,不要忘记宽度,此处未显示,因为它只是一位)来定义状态的标签。然后创建两个 reg 变量(
变量是一个“wire reg”(可以分配到组合always 块内部的连线)。要记住的两件事是在组合always块中执行X_next = X_reg;
(然后是组合逻辑的其余部分)和在顺序总是阻塞。您可以考虑特殊情况,但如果您坚持这些简单的规则,那么事情应该会顺利进行。我尽量不将实例化用于非常简单的事情,例如加法器,因为 Verilog 对加法器有很好的支持。由于我使用 FPGA,因此我将初始值分配给寄存器,并且不使用复位信号。我不确定,但对于 ASIC 设计,我认为情况恰恰相反。
我发现这本书非常有帮助。本书还有 VHDL 版本,因此您可以将两者并排用作 Rosetta Stone 来学习 VHDL。
State machines are not too tricky. Use localparam (with a width, don't forget the width, not shown here because it is just one bit) to define labels for your states. Then create two reg variables (
). The_reg
variable is your actual register. The_next
variable is a "wire reg" (a wire that can be assigned to inside a combinational always block). The two things to remember are to doX_next = X_reg;
in the combinational always block (and then the rest of the combinational logic) andX_reg <= X_next;
in the sequential always block. You can get fancy for special cases but if you stick to these simple rules then things should just work. I try not to use instantiation for very simple things like adders since Verilog has great support for adders.Since I work with FPGAs, I assign initial values to my registers and I don't use a reset signal. I'm not sure but for ASIC design I think it is the opposite.
I found this book to be very helpful. There is also a VHDL version of the book, so you can use both side-by-side as a Rosetta Stone to learn VHDL.