我知道这是 2009 年的,但我喜欢他们的做法,这将是最简单的为了让我的同事们理解,特别是因为我自己已经从文件中评论了天哪。
我的想法是进入 common.php (如教程中所述)并添加一个条件来更改图像目录(img/ 或 image/)。例如,如果我的文件结构如下所示:
如果用户选择日语作为其语言,并且运行脚本以从 获取所有文本,我也希望使用 /jp 中 /img 目录中的图像。
所以我的问题是,如何将 src 更改为 html 中每个图像标签的正确 /img 目录?是否可以使用 php 开关并将 src 设置为变量,然后在声明图像名称之前调用该变量,例如
I'm working on making a skeleton from which to build small to medium-sized sites in multiple languages. I'm using the method from this tutorial:
I know it's from 2009 but I like how they did it, and it will be the easiest to understand for my coworkers, especially since I've commented the bejeezus out of the files myself.
This is a good solution for replacing relevant text in the site. The problem I'm facing now stems from the fact that not all the words on any given site are necessarily text. There are plenty of images, navigation buttons, and so on that would need to be replaced as well.
My thought is to go into common.php (as described in the tutorial) and add a conditional that would change the image directory (img/ or image/) as well. For example, if my file structure looked like this:
If the user selects Japanese as their language and the script runs to get all the text from, I would want to be using the images in the /img directory within /jp as well.
So my question is, how would I change the src to the proper /img directory for each image tag within the html? Is it possible to use a php switch and set the src to a variable and just call that variable before stating the image name, like <img src="<?php echo($imgsrc);?>/image.jpg" />
, and assign the path dynamically to $imgsrc? If so, what's the best way to set that variable?
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@OpenCode 的想法是正确的,但继续使用您拥有的 img 文件夹并在其中为每种语言创建一个新文件夹可能会更容易。
@OpenCode had the right idea, but it might be easier to, instead, keep using the img folder you have and make a new folder within it for each language.
Then use:
This way your webroot won't become too messy should you decide to add more languages later on.
$lang 变量保存短语言代码(语言名称)
The $lang variable holds the short-language-code (language name)
If you have "jp" directory and "img" directory inside "jp" directory then you can do the following too.
so that it becomes
如果你想制作 100% 开放、简单、快速的东西,请像我一样(厚颜无耻):
1 - 制作非常简单的语言文件,例如仅包含关联的“ini”文件,例如:
2 - 然后创建一个“php”缓存文件,该文件创建您将包含的“类”文件。
3 - 创建一个包含翻译内容的翻译器“php”类文件。您可以在其中编写如下代码:
3 - 将您的语言文件基于主机:使用
。我的做法如下:第 1 步非常非常重要,因为只需向译员发送适当的文件即可节省大量时间。不再头痛了。您将花费 2-3 天来编写它,每种新语言将为您节省 4-5 天的时间。
如果你明智地使用我的建议来处理像 Smarty 这样的东西,你可能会像我一样:只做 Php 基本文件,把一切交给翻译人员和网页设计师。仅供参考,这个网站花了我两周的时间来开发,1 天的时间翻译成法语和西班牙语,然后...... 3 周的时间来同意网页设计(哈哈(或讽刺谁知道))!
I'm sorry but the tutorial you're relying on is just the top of the iceberg.
If you want to make something that is 100% open, easy and fast, do like me (cheekyness taken apart):
1 - make very simple languages file, like "ini" files containing only associations, e.g.:
This way you will be able to translate it very easily.
2 - Then make a "php" cache file that creates a "class" file you'll include.
3 - Make a translator "php" class file that will include translation stuff. In it you may write code like that:
3 - Base your language file on the host: use
. Here's how I do:The #1 step is very important because you'll gain a lot of time by just sending appropriate files to the translators. No headaches anymore. You'll spend 2-3 days to write it, you'll gain 4-5 days for each new language.
And for the final (and hardest) problem: (FYI it's the 4th time I rewrite my whole framework to include those things, and what I'm explaining here represents many months of developpement even though it seems simple): multilangage files.
Here's how is my directory:
And in your "translator class file" code do something like:
Now I hope you get the whole idea. If you want to see real action of such a framework take a look at my latest website (remove my link if you think it's spam or whatever): mysite
If you use my advice wisely with something like Smarty, you may end up like me: just doing Php base file, and let everything to translators, and to the webdesigner. FYI this website took me two weeks to develop, 1 day to translate in French and Spanish, and... 3 weeks to agree with the webdesign (lol (or sarcasm who knows))!!!
Hope this helps