Game Center 创建帐户在游戏中不起作用
当我尝试从游戏登录游戏中心时,会出现一个弹出窗口,其中显示使用现有帐户/创建帐户。如果我点击创建帐户,则会出现类似于游戏中心的屏幕 - 创建帐户。在该屏幕中我无法选择国家/地区。其他所有按钮都工作正常,我可以拖动并且位置正在移动,但我无法选择国家/地区。在 GameCenter 应用程序中,我可以选择一个国家/地区(屏幕似乎相同)。您遇到过这个问题吗?您知道这个问题的可能原因吗?
When I'm trying to login to game center from my game a popup appears with use existing account/create account. If I tap create account a similar screen like the one from game center - create account appears. In that screen I'm not able to select the country. Every other button is working fine, I can drag and the Locations are moving, but I'm not able to select a country. In GameCenter application I can select a country(the screen seems to be the same). Did you encountered this problem? Do you know possible reasons for this problem?
EDIT1: I tested only on SANDBOX environment
EDIT2: I use to method_exchangeImplementations() to change: touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded, touchesCancelled methods to custom functions, but I don't think this is the problem because drag works fine and tapping next button also works fine
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