我只是想知道我是否是世界上少数几个真正使用 SSAS 的人之一,还是它在 IT 领域很流行?这里发布 SSAS 问题和答案的人太少了。现在,我在创建数据挖掘维度时遇到了问题(模型名称下拉列表为空),当我用 Google 搜索该问题时,我得到了 4 个结果。 MS 没有将其包含在 SQL Server 2010 中,那么它会消失吗?人们正在使用 PowerPivot 吗?
I was just wondering if I am one of the few people in the world actually using SSAS, or is it prevalent in IT? There are so few people posting SSAS questions and answers here. Right now I'm running into an issue creating a Data Mining Dimension (model name dropdown is blank) and when I Google the problem I get 4 results. MS did not include it in SQL Server 2010, so is it going away? Are people using PowerPivot instead?
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SSAS 会留下来。 Microsoft 有一个 3 层 BI 战略:
PowerPivot 既适用于个人又适用于团队,但 SSAS 显然属于组织。您可以在那里阅读所有相关内容:
SSAS is there to stay. Microsoft have a 3 tier strategy for BI :
PowerPivot is both for Personnal and Team, but SSAS is clearly in the Organizationnal slot. You can read all about it there :