procedure f(const a, b: Array of shortstring);
A, B: array[1..2] of string[5];
C, D: array[1..40] of string[12];
这会导致编译器错误 E2008 不兼容类型。 这是为什么?我可以编写一个可以接受短字符串数组(任意长度的数组/字符串)的过程吗?
短字符串是现有记录中的字段。有很多这样的唱片有数千个短弦。为了将数据从涡轮增压 B-Tree Filer 迁移到 SQL 数据库,第一步是将记录转换为数据集,然后再转换回记录,以确认所有字段都在两个方向上正确转换。我一直在记录上使用 CompareMem
I would like to make a procedure that take array of shortstring as argument
procedure f(const a, b: Array of shortstring);
I would like to call this with arrays of known length and shortstrings of known length e.g.
A, B: array[1..2] of string[5];
C, D: array[1..40] of string[12];
This result in an compiler error E2008 Incompatible types.
Why is that? Can I write a procedure that can take arrays of shortstring (any length of arrays/strings)?
Why use shortstring?
The shortstings are fields in an existing record. There are alot of these record with thousand of shortstrings. In an effort to migrate data from turbo power B-Tree Filer to SQL databases one step is to convert the record to a dataset, and the back to a record, to confirm all fields are converted correctly both directions. I have been using CompareMem
on the records to check this, but it does not provide enough information as to which field a conversion error is in. Thus a small program was created, which from the record definition can generate code to compare the two records. It was for this code generator I needed a function to compare shortstrings. It ended up using CompareMem
on the shortstrings.
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ShortString 的长度为 0 到 255 个字符。 ShortString 的长度可以动态改变,但内存是静态分配的 256 个字节,第一个字节存储字符串的长度,其余 255 个字节可用于字符,而以这种方式声明的 string[5] 只能分配为类型需要多少内存(5 字节 + 1 字节长度)。
A ShortString is 0 to 255 characters long. The length of a ShortString can change dynamically, but memory is a statically allocated 256 bytes, the first byte stores the length of the string, and the remaining 255 bytes are available for characters, whilist string[5] declared in this way allocate only as much memory as the type requires (5 byte + 1 byte for length).
you could use type
In a similar situation I've used the following:
You could use it like this:
It's not as elegant as a solution built into the language could be and it is a bit hacky as it relies on the fact/hope/... that the strings in the array are laid out contiguously. But it worked for me for some time now.
首先,有经典的 Turbo Pascal“字符串”(在 Delphi IIRC 中也称为“openstring”),它本质上是 string[255]。由于 string[255] 是所有短字符串的超集,因此开放数组方面只是将所有短字符串类型转换为它。
“array of xx”语法是 Delphi (4+?) 开放数组。它是任何类型的开放数组,而不仅仅是字符串,调用它的语法是 f(nonarrayparam,[arrayelement0,arrayelement1]);
不知怎的,你似乎混合了两种语法,甚至通过添加 CONST 来聚合它,它要求通过引用传递并排除转换。
我认为您认为短弦具有性能优势。在某些情况下确实如此。开放阵列不是其中之一。即使在 TP 中也没有:-)
You are combining two different kinds of open array.
First, there is the classic Turbo Pascal "string" (also called "openstring" in Delphi IIRC) which is essentially string[255]. As string[255] is a superset of all shortstrings, the open array aspect simply converts all shortstring types to it.
The "array of xx" syntax is the Delphi (4+?) open array. It is an open array of any type, not just strings, and the syntax to call it is f(nonarrayparam,[arrayelement0,arrayelement1]);
Somehow you seem to mix both syntaxes, and even aggrevate it by adding CONST which sollicits pass by reference and excludes conversions.
I think you assume shortstring has an performance advantage. It has, in some cases. Open array is not one of those cases. Not even in TP :-)