Dreamweaver 的替代方案,具有“模板”功能和 JQuery & PHP 视觉辅助
我正在寻找 Dreamweaver 的替代品。我最近不太用它。 DW曾经是一个很好的设计工具,但是最近随着JS和PHP的大量引入,它不再那么有用了。我几乎不使用视觉设计师。更不用说如今模板的 html img 标签之类的东西已经过时了。一切都是使用 CSS 完成的,而 DW 没有可视化设计器可以让我轻松创建使用 CSS 样式的 DIV。
基本上,对我来说最重要的功能是“模板”,因为我设计静态网站,而DW有这个功能,我可以制作“模板”并创建可编辑区域,所以我不必只使用CSS主题化时,我只需创建一个模板,每当我想更改整个网站的外观时,我只需编辑其模板,DW 就会自动将所有页面更新为该样式,但保留特定部分(可编辑区域)。它类似于 CMS,但生成静态页面,我仅在真正需要的地方使用 PHP。
PHP 和 JQuery 编码帮助和调试也很重要。
I'm looking for an alternative for Dreamweaver. I'm not using it much lately. DW used to be a good designing tool, but recently, with the mass introduction of JS and PHP, it's not as useful any longer. I hardly use the visual designer at all. Not to tell that nowadays things like html img tags for templates are very outdated. Everything is done using CSS and DW doesn't have a visual designer that allows me to easily create DIVs styled with CSS.
Basically, the most important feature for me is the "templates" one, because I design static websites and DW has this feature in which I can make a "template" and make editable regions, so I don't have to use only CSS for theming, I just create a template, and whenever I want to change the appearance of an entire website, I just have to edit its template, and DW will automatically update all pages to that style, but keeping the specific parts (editable regions). It's like a CMS but produces static pages, I use PHP only where its really needed.
PHP and JQuery coding assistance and debugging are also important.
Any recommendations?
Thank you.
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Netbeans http://netbeans.org
Eclipse http://www.eclipse.org/
如果您使用 PHP,您应该有一个页眉和页脚“模板”,该模板包含在您站点的每个页面中。这允许您编辑单个文件,并且它会显示在您的所有页面上。
我使用 Notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Netbeans http://netbeans.org
Eclipse http://www.eclipse.org/
If you are using PHP you should have a header and footer 'template' which is included in each of your site's pages. This allows you to edit a single file and it show up on all of your pages.
I use Notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
如果您有 Mac,请查看 Coda。我发现它是 Mac 上 Web 开发的最佳 IDE,而且相对便宜。我不确定它是否具有您正在寻找的模板功能类型,但它确实具有所见即所得编辑模式,如果您使用 CSS,您只需将一个样式表应用于每个页面,只需更新该样式床单。
If you have a Mac, look at Coda. I've found it to be the best IDE for web development for Macs and it is relatively cheap. I'm not sure if it has exactly the type of templating feature you are looking for, but it does have a WYSIWYG edit mode and if you use CSS, you can just apply one style sheet to each page an only have to update that style sheet.