CSS 或 JQuery 动画
关于最佳方式的任何想法实现这种图像飞入然后飞出的动画?我知道你可以使用 CSS 制作动画,并假设这很可能是 Apple 在本例中使用的......
Any idea on the best way to achieve this kind of animation with images flying in and then flying out? I know you can animate with CSS and assume this is most likely what Apple used in this case...
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为了实现跨浏览器兼容性,您可以使用 RaphaelJS,它包含一个小型动画库。使用 Raphael,您可以旋转、淡入淡出……您的图像。
如果您仅针对现代浏览器,则可以使用通常表现更好的 CSS3 转换和转换,因为它们可以进行硬件加速。 CSS3 过渡、转换简介
For cross browser compatibily you can use RaphaelJS, which incorporates a small animation library. With Raphael you can rotate, fade, ... your images.
If you target only modern browsers, you can use CSS3 transisitons and transforms which perform better in general, because they can be hardware accelerated. Introduction to CSS3 Transitions, Transforms
取决于你所说的“最好”是什么意思。 CSS 动画和过渡可能会占用较少的 CPU 周期,但旧版本的浏览器(例如 IE 8)不支持它们。
巧合的是,我刚刚看到一篇文章解释苹果的 iPhone 4S CSS 动画是如何工作的:
Depends what you mean by “best”. CSS animations and transitions are likely to use up fewer CPU cycles, but they’re not supported by older versions of browsers (e.g. IE 8).
Coincidentally, I just saw an article explaining how Apple’s iPhone 4S CSS animations work:
显然没有 JQuery,但话又说回来,JQuery 只是 Javascript,所以 Apple 很可能已经编写了自己的。
无论如何,它确实是使用 Javascript 和 CSS 制作的动画。
唯一的替代方案是使用视频(事实并非如此)、动画 GIF(不太可能)或 Flash,这在 Apple 网站上是相当愚蠢的。
Apparently there's no JQuery, but then again, JQuery is just Javascript, so Apple might very well have written their own.
Anyway, it is indeed animated using Javascript and CSS.
The only alternatives to these would be to use video (which it isn't), animated GIF (not very likely as well), or Flash, which would be rather silly on an Apple website.
当您单击图库的下一个按钮时,使用 fadeIn 和 fadeOut jQuery 函数。
如果你想在 jquery 中做到这一点;)
I think this is what you are looking for :
Used of the fadeIn and fadeOut jQuery function, when you click on the next button of the gallery.
If you want to do it in jquery ;)