我们刚刚开始在一个五人团队中使用 Mercurial。我们已经走了大约两周,我们的签到图已经看起来像纽约市地铁地图了。为了尝试和简化事情,我希望我的团队仅在实际完全完成某个功能时才检查开发分支。我认为我们可以在这里使用私有分支,但我在 HgTortoise (或 hg 命令行)中没有看到隐藏本地私有分支不被推送的方法。你能做到吗?同样,您可以在拉取时选择性地选择远程分支吗?
We just started using Mercurial on a five person team. We've gone about two weeks and already our checkin graph looks like an NY city subway map. In an effort to try and simplify things I want my team to only check into a development branch when they've actually finished a feature completely. I thought we could use private branches here but I don't see a way in HgTortoise (or hg command line) to hide local private branches from being pushed. Can you do this? Likewise, can you selectively choose remote branches when pulling?
) 切换到push
。您可以多次使用它来指定多个分支,例如hg push -bbranch-one -bbranch-two
。您可以使用别名来指定要推/拉的默认分支集,例如(在 .hg/hgrc 中)-b
) switch to eitherpush
. You can use it multiple time to specify multiple branches, e.g.hg push -b branch-one -b branch-two
. You can use aliases to specify default set of branches to push/pull, e.g. (in .hg/hgrc)