如何在数据加载时创建页面叠加 - asp.net/jquery/blockui
当从 sql 服务器检索数据时,我试图显示一个叠加层,上面写着“页面加载...请稍候”。我希望为此使用 BlockUI 插件,但任何方法都可以。我有一个使用 site.master 的 ASP.NET 页面。该插件可以工作,但无论我尝试什么,它只会在页面完全加载后才会出现。
大部分等待时间都取决于 Global.asax 文件中完成的工作。在 Session_Start 部分中,我有一个函数返回数据以填充页面上的下拉菜单。这大约需要 20 秒才能完成。
那么,我需要做什么才能在页面完全加载之前查看叠加层? 感谢您的任何帮助或建议。
I'm trying to display an overlay that says "page loading...please wait" while data is being retrived from a sql server. I'm hoping to use the BlockUI plugin for this but anything will do. I have an ASP.NET page using a site.master. The plugin works but no matter what I tried, it only appears AFTER the page was fully loaded.
The bulk of the waiting is down to work done in the Global.asax file. In the Session_Start section, I have a function that returns data to populate dropdown menus on my page. This takes about 20 seconds to complete.
So, what do I need to do in order to view the overlay BEFORE the page is fully loaded?
Thanks for any help or advice.
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让 CSS 完成剩下的工作
,用 Javascript 清除阻塞:
也许您将 Asp.net 应用程序启动与会话加载混淆了。当您的应用程序首次启动时,服务器需要更长的时间来响应,因为它必须编译您的应用程序并启动它。这可能需要相当长的时间。有几种解决方法,包括更改应用程序回收时间和单独的心跳服务,这些服务向应用程序发出微小的请求,只是为了使其在较长时间不活动期间保持活动状态。
所以也许不是会话创建而是应用程序启动。您应该通过在浏览器中打开页面并等待其完成,然后关闭浏览器并再次打开它(以便创建新会话)并访问您的应用程序来区分差异。如果加载速度更快,那么这不是您的会话的错误,而是 .net 框架必须编译您的应用程序时应用程序启动的错误。
For loading pages, plugins won't do the trick
If you want your page to be blocked until it's loaded, content blocker element should be part of your page and not generated by any plugin that always run after your page has loaded. At some point in time or another.
And have CSS do the rest
And Javascript that clears blocking:
This is a working example using the code above. It removes blocker on timeout, because it's such a simple document.
Important notice
But maybe you're not understanding this the right way. Maybe you would like to block existing page when it posts back to server, because that's a different story. In this case your plugins should suffice and should run on
window event and display blocker element. This would block existing page while it posts back its data and before browser starts receiving new content (which can be blocked with previously shown technique).It seems the problem is browser waiting for server response
It's hard to tell since you can't pin point it yourself. But suppose the problem is that browser is waiting for server to respond. And as you mention session loading is slow. Two things:
anyone)It seems that your best bet is the combination of both. But go one step at a time and see if it's better.
One more thing. I know that waiting for the first response (application start) takes some time. It does so on many pages. But people usually don't really bother since users can't do no harm with data because it's still not displayed. It's much worse when your response times are long when using the page, because users tend to click the same button several times (when creating/updating data for instance). That is much more harmful.
And maybe you're confusing the Asp.net application start-up with your session loading. When you application first starts it takes much longer for server to respond, because it has to compile your application and start it up. This can take considerable time. There are several workarounds for that that include changes to application recycling times and separate heartbeat services that make tiny requests to application just to keep it alive during longer time of inactivity.
You should also take into account that your in development page is running on a desktop machine. You should know whether your server is faster.
So maybe it's not the session creation but rather application start-up. You should tell the difference by opening a page in a browser and waiting for it to complete, then close the browser and opening it again (so new session will get created) and access your application. If it loads faster then it's not your session's fault but rather application start-up when .net framework has to compile your application.
Define the problem first then start mitigation.
你可以用 CSS 来做到这一点。创建一个绝对定位的 div,位于所有内容之上。在该 div 内,您可以编写“正在加载”消息。当页面加载完成后,您可以使用 javascript 在该 div 上设置 display:none 。
you could do it with CSS. Create a div positioned absolute, on top of everything. Inside that div you can write your 'Loading' message. When the page has done loading, you can set display:none on that div using javascript.