我经常对 Facebook、Youtube 等网站上传媒体的速度缓慢感到恼火。最近,我也对这些组织如何存储和使用我的数据感到恼火。这导致我决定在自己的网站上托管我的媒体。
我正在寻找一个可以托管和提供这些数据的预构建系统(我所说的系统是指 CMS)。我的三个主要标准是快速批量上传媒体、快速/轻松地提供媒体以及轻松发布元数据(评论、标题等)。
我明白为什么 FB 和 YouTube 很慢。它们将媒体转换为 FLV 或其他编解码器等格式。我不想这样做,因为这个网站只会对我的亲密朋友开放。
注意: 使用 PHP 谢谢,我的服务器不支持 ASP 或 JavaServlet
Constantly I am annoyed with the slow speeds of Facebook, Youtube and the like when uploading media. Recently, I have also become annoyed at how these organizations store my data and use it. This has led to my decision of hosting my media on my own website.
I am looking for a pre-built system (by system I mean like a CMS) that can host and serve this data. The three main criteria I have, is for it to be fast to bulk upload media, fast/easy to serve media and easy to post meta-data (comments, title etc.).
I understand why FB and YouTube are slow. They convert the media to a format such as FLV or another codec. I don't want to do this, as this website will only be available to my close friends.
Is there any such pre-built system, or will I have to make my own?
NOTE: Using PHP thanks, my server doesn't support ASP or JavaServlets
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I'd recommend drupal. There are many like it but I'd say that this is one of the best ones.
There are thousands of modules you can add and a lot for media.