阻止在 Rails 中直接下载图像
现在在 Rails 中做图片库。我想阻止从网页下载图像的直接访问。这是怎么做的?我正在使用回形针 gem 上传图像。请帮助我解决这个问题。
Now doing Image gallery in rails. I want to block the direct access of downloading image from web page.How do this thing?. I am using paperclip gem to upload image. Please Help me to resolve this problem.
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The browser will need to have access to the image in order to display it; at some point something on the browser will have direct access to the image.
You can obfuscate how the image is retrieved, but that's basically the best you can do. You might be able to play minor games with the referrer.
Don't disable right-click; that's irritating.
我想您基本上是在寻找登录系统。确保图像由控制器提供服务,而不是由 nginx 或任何为您提供静态服务的东西提供服务。鉴于您正在使用 Paperclip,我认为情况已经如此。因此,实际上您只需要检查控制器内是否有登录用户,如果用户未登录,则返回 403 响应或其他内容。
You're basically looking for a login system, I assume. Make sure the image is served by a controller, not by nginx, or whatever is serving your statics. Given that you're using Paperclip, I assume this is already the case. So really you just need to check for a logged in user inside the controller, and return a 403 response or something if the user isn't logged in.