R 中同一图中 2 个因子的值的绘图频率
我想绘制针对 2 个因子水平编码的变量颜色的频率,例如蓝色条应该是水平 A 的历史记录,绿色条应该是水平 B 的历史记录,两者都在同一个图表中?这可以用 hist 命令实现吗? hist 的帮助不允许有任何因素。还有其他办法吗?
我设法通过 barplots 手动完成此操作,但我想问是否有更自动的方法
非常感谢 欧共体
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直方图 <- hist(scale(vector))、breaks= 、plot=FALSE)
绘图(直方图,col=ifelse(abs(直方图$breaks)<#of SD,颜色1,颜色2))
It's very possible.
I didn't have data to work with but here's an example of a histogram with different colored bars. From here you'd need to use my code and figure out how to make it work for factors instead of tails.
histogram <- hist(scale(vector)), breaks= , plot=FALSE)
plot(histogram, col=ifelse(abs(histogram$breaks) < #of SD, Color 1, Color 2))
Just in case the others haven't answered this is a way that satisfies. I had to deal with stacking histograms recently, and here's what I did:
Hopefully, this is what you meant?
我认为你不能用条形直方图轻松做到这一点,因为你必须“交错”两个因子水平的条形......它需要对现在连续的 x 轴进行某种“离散化”(即它必须分成“类别”,并且在每个类别中,对于每个因子水平,您将有 2 个条形...
I don't think you can do that easily with a bar histogram, as you would have to "interlace" the bars from both factor levels... It would need some kind of "discretization" of the now continuous x axis (i.e. it would have to be split in "categories" and in each category you would have 2 bars, for each factor level...
But it is quite easy and without problems if you are just fine with plotting the density line function:
我同意其他人的观点,即密度图比合并直方图的彩色条更有用,特别是当组的值混合时。这会非常困难,而且不会告诉你太多信息。您从其他人那里得到了关于密度图的一些很好的建议,这是我有时使用的密度图的 2 美分:
I agree with the others that a density plot is more useful than merging colored bars of a histogram, particularly if the group's values are intermixed. This would be very difficult and wouldn't really tell you much. You've got some great suggestions from others on density plots, here's my 2 cents for density plots that I sometimes use:
目前尚不清楚您的数据布局是什么。直方图要求您有一个有序或连续的变量,以便可以创建中断。如果您还有一个单独的分组因素,您可以根据该因素绘制直方图。 lattice 包中的
函数的帮助页面上的第二个示例提供了这种分组和叠加密度曲线的一个很好的示例。学习 R 博客是学习lattice和ggplot2绘图相对优点的一个很好的资源。 这是两个绘图系统并排比较的多部分系列的第一篇:
It's rather unclear what you have as a data layout. A histogram requires that you have a variable that is ordinal or continuous so that breaks can be created. If you also have a separate grouping factor you can plot histograms conditional on that factor. A nice worked example of such a grouping and overlaying a density curve is offered in the second example on the help page for the
function in the lattice package.A nice resource for learning relative merits of lattice and ggplot2 plotting is the Learning R blog. This is from the first of a multipart series on side-by=side comparison of the two plotting systems: