jScrollPane & jQuery 1.6 兼容性
我想知道是否有人知道与最新版本的 jQuery 一起使用的 jScrollPane 的最佳版本。
我正在使用 jQuery 1.6.4
我已经尝试过 jScrollpane 1.x、2.0beta10 和来自 github 的 HEAD,它们似乎都不起作用,甚至行为方式完全相同。我认为这可能是版本兼容性问题,因为我所做的事情看起来并不那么奇特。
我正在使用带有以下内容的 div:
.scroll-pane {
position: absolute;
overflow: auto;
height: 100%
并按如下方式调用 jScrollpane:
jQuery(function() {
return $('.scroll-pane').each(function() {
var api, jsp_resize_timeout;
api = $(this).data('jsp');
jsp_resize_timeout = void 0;
return $(window).bind('resize', function() {
if ($.browser.msie && !jsp_resize_timeout) {
return jsp_resize_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
return api.reinitialise();
}, 50);
} else {
return api.reinitialise();
在调整窗口大小之前,滚动条甚至不会出现。我猜测 API 由于某种原因没有被初始化。调整大小后,我会看到滚动条,但滚动不起作用。 div 只是闪烁。有什么建议吗?
I was wondering if anyone knew the best version of jScrollPane to use with the newest version of jQuery.
I am using jQuery 1.6.4
I have tried jScrollpane 1.x, 2.0beta10, and HEAD from github, none of them seem to work, or even behave in quite the same way. I am of the opinion that this is likely a version compatibility issue because what I am doing doesn't seem that exotic.
I am using a div with:
.scroll-pane {
position: absolute;
overflow: auto;
height: 100%
and calling jScrollpane as follows:
jQuery(function() {
return $('.scroll-pane').each(function() {
var api, jsp_resize_timeout;
api = $(this).data('jsp');
jsp_resize_timeout = void 0;
return $(window).bind('resize', function() {
if ($.browser.msie && !jsp_resize_timeout) {
return jsp_resize_timeout = setTimeout(function() {
return api.reinitialise();
}, 50);
} else {
return api.reinitialise();
The scrollbar doesn't even appear until I resize the window. I am guessing that the API is for some reason not being initialized. Once I resize, i get scrollbars but scrolling doesn't work. The div just flickers. Any recommendations?
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抱歉,我忘了添加链接。您可以从这里下载:http://ajax。 googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js
Sorry, I forgot to add the link. You may download it from here : http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js
如果您从 jScrollPane git hub 帐户获取文件,包括鼠标滚轮,那么它都适用于 jquery 1.7.1
If you get the files off the jScrollPane git hub account, including mousewheel, it all works with jquery 1.7.1
尝试 Jquery 版本 1.4.2。最新版本的 Jscrollpane 与 jquery 1.6.4 不兼容。
Try Jquery version 1.4.2. The latest version of Jscrollpane is not compatible with jquery 1.6.4.
You may download ( or simply include) this version from [here].