
发布于 2024-12-11 18:26:41 字数 59 浏览 3 评论 0原文

Visual Studio 2010中关闭查找符号结果的快捷键是什么? 我想使用浮动模式的快捷键关闭它

What is the shortcut key to close Find Symbol Results in visual studio 2010?
I want to close it using shortcut key with float mode

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誰ツ都不明白 2024-12-18 18:26:41

有一个通用快捷方式可以关闭“当前工具窗口” ,即SHIFT+ESC


Visual Studio 2010 中 C# 的默认键绑定


Edit.CollapseToDefinitions CTRL+< kbd>M,O

  • 折叠声明主体以提供源文件中类型和成员的高级视图。

Edit.HideSelection CTRL+M,CTRL+H

  • 将当前选择折叠为概述区域。

Edit.ToggleAllOutlined CTRL+M,L

  • 在折叠和展开状态之间切换所有先前折叠的大纲区域。

Edit.ToggleOutlinedExpansion CTRL+M,M

  • 在折叠和展开状态之间切换当前选定的折叠区域。

Edit.StopOutlined CTRL+M,P

  • 从整个文档中删除所有大纲信息。

Edit.CommentSelection CTRL+KCCTRL+E ,C

  • 在当前行或当前所选内容的每一行的开头插入 //

Edit.UncommentSelection CTRL+KUCTRL+E ,U

  • 删除当前行或当前选择的每一行开头的 //

Edit.FormatDocument CTRL+KDCTRL+E ,D

  • 根据在格式设置窗格中指定的缩进和代码格式设置设置当前文档的格式工具 |选项|文本编辑器 | C#

Edit.FormatSelection CTRL+KFCTRL+E ,F

  • 根据在格式设置窗格中指定的缩进和代码格式设置设置当前选择的格式工具 |选项|文本编辑器 | C#

Edit.InsertSnippet CTRL+K,X

  • 显示代码片段选取器。选定的代码片段将插入到插入符号位置。

Edit.SurroundWith CTRL+K,S

  • 显示代码片段选取器。选定的代码片段将包裹在选定的文本周围。

Edit.InvokeSnippetFromShortcut TAB

  • 插入快捷方式名称中的扩展代码片段。

Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL+SHIFT+V

  • 将剪贴板环中的文本粘贴到文件中的插入符号位置。随后使用快捷键将循环访问剪贴板环中的项目。

Edit.Replace CTRL+H

  • 快速替换选项卡中显示替换选项查找和替换对话框。

Edit.ReplaceInFiles CTRL+SHIFT+H

  • 替换中显示替换选项查找和替换对话框的文件选项卡。

View.ShowSmartTag CTRL+句号 (.)SHIFT+ALT+< kbd>F10

  • 显示智能标记菜单上的可用选项。

EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ViewCallHierarchy CTRL+K,T

  • 将焦点移至调用层次结构 窗口使用插入符号处的成员作为顶级节点。

Edit.NextHighlightedReference CTRL+SHIFT+向下键

  • 将插入符号移动到与当前标识符匹配的下一个突出显示标识符。

Edit.PreviousHightlightedReference CTRL+SHIFT+向上键

  • 将插入符号移动到与当前标识符匹配的上一个突出显示标识符。

Edit.ToggleCompletionMode CTRL+ALT+空格键

  • 在建议模式之间切换(除 Tab 之外的所有提交字符均保留输入的文本)按原样,选项卡选择列表中的完成项目)和完成模式。

Edit.ExtendColumn SHIFT+ALT+

  • 创建框选择而不是流选择。


View.ClassView CTRL+W,C

  • 显示类视图 窗口。

View.CodeDefinitionWindow CTRL+W,D

  • 显示代码定义窗口。

View.ErrorList CTRL+W,E

  • 显示错误列表窗口。

View.ObjectBrowser CTRL+W,J

  • 显示对象浏览器

View.Output CTRL+W,O

  • 显示输出< /strong> 窗口,可以在运行时查看状态消息。

View.PropertiesWindow CTRL+W,P

  • 显示属性< /strong> 窗口,列出当前所选项目的设计时属性和事件。

View.SolutionExplorer CTRL+W,S

  • 显示解决方案资源管理器< /strong>,列出当前解决方案中的项目和文件。

View.TaskList CTRL+W,T

  • 显示任务列表 窗口,显示自定义任务、注释、快捷方式、警告和错误消息。

View.Toolbox CTRL+W,X

  • 显示工具箱< /strong>,其中包含可包含在您的代码中或与您的代码一起使用的控件。

View.ServerExplorer CTRL+W,L

  • 显示服务器资源管理器< /strong>,它允许您查看和操作数据库服务器、事件日志、消息队列、Web 服务和其他操作系统服务。

Window.CloseToolWindow SHIFT+ESC

  • 关闭当前工具窗口。

Data.ShowDataSources SHIFT+ALT+D

  • 显示数据源窗口。

Window.CloseDocumentWindow CTRL+F4

  • 关闭当前选项卡。

Window.NextDocumentWindowNav CTRL+TAB

  • 显示 IDE 导航器,其中包含第一个文档已选择窗口。

View.CallHierarchy CTRL+W,K

  • 显示调用层次结构 窗口,其中列出给定成员的调用者和被调用者。


  • 增加编辑器中内容的大小。


  • 减小编辑器中内容的大小。


File.NewProject CTRL+SHIFT+N

  • 显示新项目 对话框。

File.OpenProject CTRL+SHIFT+O

  • 显示打开项目 对话框,允许将现有项目添加到解决方案中。

Project.AddClass SHIFT+ALT+C

  • 显示添加新项目 对话框,默认选择类模板。

Project.AddExistingItem SHIFT+ALT+A

  • 显示添加现有项目 对话框,允许将现有文件添加到当前项目中。

Project.AddNewItem CTRL+SHIFT+A

  • 显示添加新项目 对话框,允许将新文件添加到当前项目中。

Window.ShowEzMDIFileList CTRL+ALT+向下箭头

  • 的弹出列表


Edit.CompleteWord CTRL+空格键CTRL+K,W

  • 补全列表中的当前单词。

Edit.ListMembers CTRL+J 或 CTRL+KL

  • 调用 IntelliSense 完成列表。

Edit.QuickInfo CTRL+K,I

  • 在快速信息工具提示中显示指定标识符的完整声明。

Edit.ParameterInfo CTRL+SHIFT+空格键CTRL+K ,P

  • 显示指定方法所需参数的名称、数量和类型。

使透明 CTRL

  • 使可见完成列表变得透明。


Edit.NavigateTo CTRL+COMMA (,)

  • 显示 NavigateTo 窗口,它允许快速导航到文件、类型和成员。插入符号处的单词会引发搜索。

Edit.FindAllReferences SHIFT+F12CTRL+K,R

  • 显示所选符号的所有引用的列表。

Edit.GoToBrace CTRL+]

  • 将插入符号位置移动到源文件中匹配的大括号。

Edit.GoToDefinition F12

  • 导航到代码中所选符号的声明。

Edit.GoToNextLocation F8

  • 将插入符号移至下一项,例如*任务列表 窗口中的任务或< strong>查找结果窗口。后续调用将移至列表中的下一项。

Edit.IncrementalSearch CTRL+I

  • 激活增量搜索。如果增量搜索已启用,但未传递任何输入,则使用先前的搜索查询。如果找到搜索输入,则下一次调用将搜索下一次出现的输入文本。

Edit.FindNextEdit.FindPrevious F3SHIFT+F3

  • 再次搜索指定方向上的最后一个搜索模式。

Edit.FindNextSelected CTRL+F3

  • 将搜索模式设置为所选文本,然后搜索下一个匹配项。

Edit.FindPreviousSelected CTRL+SHIFT+F3

  • 将搜索模式设置为所选文本,然后搜索上一个匹配项。

View.ForwardBrowseContext CTRL+SHIFT+7

  • 移动到当前文件中代码调用的下一个项目。使用转到定义导航堆栈。

View.PopBrowseContext CTRL+SHIFT+8

  • 移动到当前文件中代码中调用的上一个项目。使用转到定义导航堆栈。

View.NavigateBackward CTRL+连字符 (-)

  • 移动到之前浏览过的代码行。

View.NavigateForward CTRL+SHIFT+连字符 (-)

  • 移动到下一个浏览的代码行。

Edit.FindInFiles CTRL+SHIFT+F

  • 显示在文件中查找查找和替换对话框的选项卡。

Edit.FindSymbol ALT+F12

  • 显示 查找符号 窗格>查找和替换对话框。

View.ViewCode F7

  • 在编辑器的代码视图中显示所选项目。

View.ViewDesignerView.ViewMarkup SHIFT+F7

  • 设计之间切换当前文档的 >视图。

Window.MoveToNavigationBar CTRL+F2

  • 当编辑器处于 状态时,将焦点移动到位于编辑器顶部的下拉栏代码视图或服务器代码视图。

Edit.Find CTRL+F

  • 显示快速查找选项卡>查找和替换对话框。

Edit.GoTo CTRL+G

  • 显示转到行对话框。

Edit.GoToFindCombo CTRL+/

  • 将焦点移至查找/命令标准工具栏。


Debug.Autos CTRL + D, A

  • 显示“自动”窗口,该窗口显示当前行中使用的变量代码和前一行代码。

Debug.CallStack CTRL + D, C

  • 显示“调用堆栈”窗口,其中显示所有活动方法的列表或当前执行线程的堆栈帧。

Debug.Immediate CTRL + D, I

  • 显示立即窗口,可以在其中计算表达式。

Debug.Locals` CTRL + D, L

  • 显示 Locals 窗口,该窗口显示当前堆栈中每个方法的局部变量及其值框架。

Debug.QuickWatch CTRL + DQ

  • 显示具有所选表达式的当前值的 QuickWatch 对话框。

Debug.Start F5

  • 根据启动项目中的设置在调试器下启动应用程序。在中断模式下,调用此命令将运行应用程序,直到下一个断点。

Debug.Start-WithoutDebugging CTRL + F5

  • 启动应用程序而不调用调试器。

Debug.StepInto F11

  • 一次执行一个语句,然后执行方法调用。

Debug.Step-IntoSpecific SHIFT + ALT + F11

  • 提示选择要单步执行的子表达式,无论用于跳过属性和运算符的工具选项设置。

Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11

  • 执行当前执行点所在方法的剩余行。

Debug.StepOver F10

  • 执行下一行代码,但不执行任何方法调用。

Debug.Stop-Debugging SHIFT + F5

  • 停止在调试器下运行当前应用程序。

Debug.Toggle-Breakpoint F9

  • 在当前行设置或删除断点。

Debug.Watch CTRL + D, W

  • 显示“监视”窗口,其中显示所选变量或监视的值表达式。

Debug.Enable-Breakpoint CTRL + F9

  • 在禁用和启用之间切换断点。

使数据提示透明 [CTRL]

  • 使可见数据提示变得透明。

Test.RunTestsIn-CurrentContext CTRL + R, T

  • 运行包含插入符号的单元测试。

Test.RunAllTests-InSolution CTRL + R, A

  • 运行解决方案中的所有单元测试。

Edit.GoToNext-Location F8

  • 将插入符号移动到下一项,例如“任务列表”窗口中的任务或“查找结果”窗口中的搜索匹配项。后续调用将移至列表中的下一项。

Edit.Incremental-Search CTRL + I

  • 激活增量搜索。如果增量搜索已启用,但未传递任何输入,则使用先前的搜索查询。如果找到搜索输入,则下一次调用将搜索下一次出现的输入文本。

Edit.FindNext、Edit.FindPrevious F3SHIFT + F3

  • 再次搜索该方向上的最后一个搜索模式指定的。

Edit.FindNext-Selected、Edit.FindPrevious-Selected CTRL + F3CTRL + SHIFT< /kbd> + F3

  • 将搜索模式设置为所选文本,然后按指定方向搜索。

View.Forward-BrowseContext CTRL + SHIFT + 7

  • 移动到当前 fi 中代码中调用的下一个项目勒。使用“转到定义”导航堆栈。

View.PopBrowse-Context CTRL + SHIFT + 8

  • 移动到当前文件中代码中调用的上一个项目。使用“转到定义”导航堆栈。

View.Navigate-Backward CTRL + 连字符 (-)

  • 移动到之前浏览过的代码行。

View.Navigate-Forward CTRL + SHIFT + 连字符 (-)

  • 移动到下一个浏览的代码行。

Edit.FindInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + F

  • 显示“查找和替换”对话框的“在文件中查找”选项卡。

`Edit.FindSymbol ALT + F12

  • 显示“查找和替换”对话框的“查找符号”窗格。

`View.ViewCode F7

  • 在编辑器的代码视图中显示所选项目。

View.ViewDesigner、View.ViewMarkup SHIFT + F7

  • 在当前文档的“设计”视图和“源”视图之间切换。 -

Window.MoveTo-NavigationBar CTRL + F2

  • 当编辑器处于编辑器状态时,将焦点移动到位于编辑器顶部的下拉栏代码视图或服务器代码视图。

Edit.Find CTRL + F

  • 显示“查找和替换”对话框的“快速查找”选项卡。

Edit.GoTo CTRL + G

  • 显示“转到行”对话框。

Edit.GoToFind-Combo CTRL + /

  • 将焦点移至标准工具栏上的“查找/命令”框。

EditorContext-Menus.Code-Window.ViewCall-Hierarchy CTRL + KT

  • 将焦点移至调用层次结构使用插入符号处的成员作为顶级节点的窗口。

Edit.NextHighlightedReference、Edit.PreviousHighlightedReference CTRL + SHIFT + 向下键CTRL + SHIFT + 向上键

  • 将插入符号移动到下一个或上一个突出显示的标识符与当前的匹配。


Refactor.EncapsulateField CTRL+R,E

  • 显示封装字段 对话框,允许从现有字段创建属性,更新所有引用以使用新属性。

Refactor.ExtractInterface CTRL+R,I

  • 显示提取界面 对话框,允许使用派生自现有类、结构或接口的成员创建接口。

Refactor.ExtractMethod CTRL+R,M

  • 显示提取方法 对话框,允许从所选代码创建新方法。

Refactor.RemoveParameters CTRL+R,V

  • 显示删除参数 对话框,允许通过更改调用的声明来从方法、索引器或委托中删除参数。

Refactor.Rename CTRL+RRF2

  • 显示 重命名对话框,允许重命名标识符的所有引用。

Refactor.ReorderParameters CTRL+R,O

  • 显示重新排序参数 对话框,允许更改方法、索引器和委托的参数顺序。


Build.BuildSolution F6CTRL+SHIFT+B

  • 构建中的所有项目解决方案

Build.BuildSelection SHIFT+F6

  • 构建选定的项目和依赖项

There is a general shortcut to close the "current tool window", which is SHIFT+ESC.

Update: In the name of productivity, I procrastinated just long enough to make this list...

Default key bindings for C# in Visual Studio 2010


Edit.CollapseToDefinitions CTRL+M,O

  • Collapses declaration bodies to provide a high-level view of the types and members in the source file.

Edit.HideSelection CTRL+M,CTRL+H

  • Collapses current selection to an outlining region.

Edit.ToggleAllOutlining CTRL+M,L

  • Toggles all previously collapsed outlining regions between collapsed and expanded states.

Edit.ToggleOutliningExpansion CTRL+M,M

  • Toggles the currently selected collapsed region between the collapsed and expanded state.

Edit.StopOutlining CTRL+M,P

  • Removes all outlining information from the whole document.

Edit.CommentSelection CTRL+K,C or CTRL+E,C

  • Inserts // at the beginning of the current line or every line of the current selection.

Edit.UncommentSelection CTRL+K,U or CTRL+E,U

  • Removes the // at the beginning of the current line or every line of the current selection.

Edit.FormatDocument CTRL+K,D or CTRL+E,D

  • Formats the current document according to the indentation and code formatting settings specified on the Formatting pane under Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.

Edit.FormatSelection CTRL+K,F or CTRL+E,F

  • Formats the current selection according to the indentation and code formatting settings specified on the Formatting pane under Tools | Options | Text Editor | C#.

Edit.InsertSnippet CTRL+K,X

  • Displays the Code Snippet Picker. The selected code snippet will be inserted at the caret position.

Edit.SurroundWith CTRL+K,S

  • Displays the Code Snippet Picker. The selected code snippet will be wrapped around the selected text.

Edit.InvokeSnippetFromShortcut TAB

  • Inserts the expanded code snippet from the shortcut name.

Edit.CycleClipboardRing CTRL+SHIFT+V

  • Pastes text from the Clipboard ring to the caret location in the file. Subsequent use of the shortcut key iterates through the items in the Clipboard ring.

Edit.Replace CTRL+H

  • Displays the replace options in the Quick Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog.

Edit.ReplaceInFiles CTRL+SHIFT+H

  • Displays the replace options on the Replace in Files tab of the Find and Replace dialog.

View.ShowSmartTag CTRL+PERIOD (.) or SHIFT+ALT+F10

  • Displays the available options on the Smart Tag menu.

EditorContextMenus.CodeWindow.ViewCallHierarchy CTRL+K,T

  • Brings focus to the Call Hierarchy window using the member at the caret as a top-level node.

Edit.NextHighlightedReference CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW

  • Moves the caret to the next highlighted identifier matching the current one.

Edit.PreviousHightlightedReference CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW

  • Moves the caret to the previous highlighted identifier matching the current one.

Edit.ToggleCompletionMode CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR

  • Toggles between suggestion mode (all commit characters except for tab leave entered text as-is, tab chooses a completion item in the list) and completion mode.

Edit.<Direction>ExtendColumn SHIFT+ALT+

  • Creates a box selection instead of a stream selection.


View.ClassView CTRL+W,C

  • Displays the Class View window.

View.CodeDefinitionWindow CTRL+W,D

  • Displays the Code Definition window.

View.ErrorList CTRL+W,E

  • Displays the Error List window.

View.ObjectBrowser CTRL+W,J

  • Displays the Object Browser.

View.Output CTRL+W,O

  • Displays the Output window, where status messages can be viewed at run time.

View.PropertiesWindow CTRL+W,P

  • Displays the Properties window, which lists the design-time properties and events for the currently selected item.

View.SolutionExplorer CTRL+W,S

  • Displays Solution Explorer, which lists the projects and files in the current solution.

View.TaskList CTRL+W,T

  • Displays the Task List window, which displays custom tasks, comments, shortcuts, warnings, and error messages.

View.Toolbox CTRL+W,X

  • Displays the Toolbox, which contains controls that can be included or used with your code.

View.ServerExplorer CTRL+W,L

  • Displays Server Explorer, which lets you view and manipulate database servers, event logs, message queues, Web services, and other operating system services.

Window.CloseToolWindow SHIFT+ESC

  • Closes the current tool window.

Data.ShowDataSources SHIFT+ALT+D

  • Displays the Data Sources window.

Window.CloseDocumentWindow CTRL+F4

  • Closes the current tab.

Window.NextDocumentWindowNav CTRL+TAB

  • Displays the IDE Navigator, with the first document window selected.

View.CallHierarchy CTRL+W,K

  • Displays the Call Hierarchy window, which lists callers and callees for a given member.


  • Increases the size of contents in the editor.


  • Decreases the size of contents in the editor.


File.NewProject CTRL+SHIFT+N

  • Displays the New Project dialog.

File.OpenProject CTRL+SHIFT+O

  • Displays the Open Project dialog, allowing existing projects to be added to the solution.

Project.AddClass SHIFT+ALT+C

  • Displays the Add New Item dialog, selecting the class template by default.

Project.AddExistingItem SHIFT+ALT+A

  • Displays the Add Existing Item dialog, allowing existing files to be added to the current project.

Project.AddNewItem CTRL+SHIFT+A

  • Displays the Add New Item dialog, allowing a new file to be added to the current project.


  • Displays a pop-up listing of all open documents


Edit.CompleteWord CTRL+SPACEBAR or CTRL+K,W

  • Complete current word in completion list.

Edit.ListMembers CTRL+J or CTRL+K,L

  • Invokes IntelliSense completion list.

Edit.QuickInfo CTRL+K,I

  • Displays complete declaration for specified identifier in a Quick Info tooltip.


  • Displays name, number and type of parameters required for the specified method.

Make Transparent CTRL

  • Causes visible completion list to become transparent.


Edit.NavigateTo CTRL+COMMA (,)

  • Displays the NavigateTo window, which allows quick navigation to files, types, and members. The word at the caret seeds the search.

Edit.FindAllReferences SHIFT+F12 or CTRL+K,R

  • Displays a list of all references for the symbol selected.

Edit.GoToBrace CTRL+]

  • Moves the caret location to the matching brace in the source file.

Edit.GoToDefinition F12

  • Navigates to the declaration for the selected symbol in code.

Edit.GoToNextLocation F8

  • Moves the caret to the next item, such as a task in the *Task List window or a search match in the Find Results window. Subsequent invocations will move to the next item in the list.

Edit.IncrementalSearch CTRL+I

  • Activates incremental search. If incremental search is on, but no input is passed, the previous search query is used. If search input has been found, next invocation searches for the next occurrence of the input text.

Edit.FindNext, Edit.FindPrevious F3 and SHIFT+F3

  • Searches again for the last search pattern in the direction specified.

Edit.FindNextSelected CTRL+F3

  • Sets the search pattern to the selected text, then search for next occurrence.

Edit.FindPreviousSelected CTRL+SHIFT+F3

  • Sets the search pattern to the selected text, then search for previous occurrence.

View.ForwardBrowseContext CTRL+SHIFT+7

  • Moves to the next item called in code in the current file. Uses the Go To Definition navigation stack.

View.PopBrowseContext CTRL+SHIFT+8

  • Moves to the previous item called in code in the current file. Uses the Go To Definition navigation stack.

View.NavigateBackward CTRL+HYPHEN (-)

  • Moves to the previously browsed line of code.

View.NavigateForward CTRL+SHIFT+HYPHEN (-)

  • Moves to the next browsed line of code.

Edit.FindInFiles CTRL+SHIFT+F

  • Displays the Find in Files tab of the Find and Replace dialog.

Edit.FindSymbol ALT+F12

  • Displays the Find Symbol pane of the Find and Replace dialog.

View.ViewCode F7

  • Displays the selected item in Code view of the editor.

View.ViewDesigner, View.ViewMarkup SHIFT+F7

  • Switches between Design and Source views for the current document.

Window.MoveToNavigationBar CTRL+F2

  • Moves focus to the drop-down bar located at the top of the editor when the editor is in Code view or Server Code view.

Edit.Find CTRL+F

  • Displays the Find Quick tab of the Find and Replace dialog.

Edit.GoTo CTRL+G

  • Displays the Go to Line dialog.

Edit.GoToFindCombo CTRL+/

  • Moves focus to the Find/Command box on the Standard toolbar.


Debug.Autos CTRL + D, A

  • Displays the Autos window, which displays variables used in the current line of code and the preceding line of code.

Debug.CallStack CTRL + D, C

  • Displays the Call Stack window, which displays a list of all active methods or stack frames for the current thread of execution.

Debug.Immediate CTRL + D, I

  • Displays the Immediate window, where expressions can be evaluated.

Debug.Locals` CTRL + D, L

  • Displays the Locals window, which displays the local variables and their values for each method in the current stack frame.

Debug.QuickWatch CTRL + D, Q

  • Displays the QuickWatch dialog box that has the current value of the selected expression.

Debug.Start F5

  • Launches the application under the debugger based on the settings from the startup project. When in Break mode, invoking this command will run the application until the next breakpoint.

Debug.Start-WithoutDebugging CTRL + F5

  • Launches the application without invoking the debugger.

Debug.StepInto F11

  • Executes code one statement at a time, following execution into method calls.

Debug.Step-IntoSpecific SHIFT + ALT + F11

  • Prompts to select which sub expression to step into, regardless of the tools options setting for skipping properties and operators.

Debug.StepOut SHIFT + F11

  • Executes the remaining lines of a method in which the current execution point is located.

Debug.StepOver F10

  • Executes the next line of code, but does not follow execution through any method calls.

Debug.Stop-Debugging SHIFT + F5

  • Stops running the current application under the debugger.

Debug.Toggle-Breakpoint F9

  • Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line.

Debug.Watch CTRL + D, W

  • Displays the Watch window, which displays the values of selected variables or watch expressions.

Debug.Enable-Breakpoint CTRL + F9

  • Toggles the breakpoint between disabled and enabled.

Make DatatipTransparent [CTRL]

  • Causes a visible datatip to become transparent.

Test.RunTestsIn-CurrentContext CTRL + R, T

  • Runs the unit test containing the caret.

Test.RunAllTests-InSolution CTRL + R, A

  • Runs all of the unit tests in the solution.

Edit.GoToNext-Location F8

  • Moves the caret to the next item, such as a task in the Task List window or a search match in the Find Results window. Subsequent invocations will move to the next item in the list.

Edit.Incremental-Search CTRL + I

  • Activates incremental search. If incremental search is on, but no input is passed, the previous search query is used. If search input has been found, next invocation searches for the next occurrence of the input text.

Edit.FindNext, Edit.FindPrevious F3 and SHIFT + F3

  • Searches again for the last search pattern in the direction specified.

Edit.FindNext-Selected, Edit.FindPrevious-Selected CTRL + F3 and CTRL + SHIFT + F3

  • Sets the search pattern to the selected text, then search in the direction specified.

View.Forward-BrowseContext CTRL + SHIFT + 7

  • Moves to the next item called in code in the current fi le. Uses the Go To Defi nition navigation stack.

View.PopBrowse-Context CTRL + SHIFT + 8

  • Moves to the previous item called in code in the current file. Uses the Go To Defi nition navigation stack.

View.Navigate-Backward CTRL + HYPHEN (-)

  • Moves to the previously browsed line of code.

View.Navigate-Forward CTRL + SHIFT + HYPHEN (-)

  • Moves to the next browsed line of code.

Edit.FindInFiles CTRL + SHIFT + F

  • Displays the Find in Files tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.

`Edit.FindSymbol ALT + F12

  • Displays the Find Symbol pane of the Find and Replace dialog box.

`View.ViewCode F7

  • Displays the selected item in Code view of the editor.

View.ViewDesigner, View.ViewMarkup SHIFT + F7

  • Switches between Design and Source views for the current document. -

Window.MoveTo-NavigationBar CTRL + F2

  • Moves focus to the drop-down bar located at the top of the editor when the editor is in Code view or Server Code view.

Edit.Find CTRL + F

  • Displays the Find Quick tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.

Edit.GoTo CTRL + G

  • Displays the Go to Line dialog box.

Edit.GoToFind-Combo CTRL + /

  • Moves focus to the Find/Command box on the Standard toolbar.

EditorContext-Menus.Code-Window.ViewCall-Hierarchy CTRL + K, T

  • Brings focus to the Call Hierarchy window using the member at the caret as a top-level node.

Edit.NextHighlightedReference, Edit.PreviousHighlightedReference CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW and CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROW

  • Moves the caret to the next or previous highlighted identifier matching the current one.


Refactor.EncapsulateField CTRL+R,E

  • Displays the Encapsulate Field dialog, allowing creation of a property from an existing field, updating all references to use the new property.

Refactor.ExtractInterface CTRL+R,I

  • Displays the Extract Interface dialog, allowing creation of an interface with members derived from an existing class, struct, or interface.

Refactor.ExtractMethod CTRL+R,M

  • Displays the Extract Method dialog, allowing creation of a new method from the selected code.

Refactor.RemoveParameters CTRL+R,V

  • Displays the Remove Parameters dialog, allowing removal of parameters from methods, indexers, or delegates by changing the declaration wherever called.

Refactor.Rename CTRL+R,R or F2

  • Displays the Rename dialog, allowing renaming of all references of an identifier.

Refactor.ReorderParameters CTRL+R,O

  • Displays the Reorder Parameters dialog, allowing the order of parameters to be changed for methods, indexers, and delegates.


Build.BuildSolution F6 or CTRL+SHIFT+B

  • Builds all projects in the solution

Build.BuildSelection SHIFT+F6

  • Builds selected project and dependencies
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