在 ASP.NET MVC 中使用 POST 传递变量
我试图在 asp.net MVC 中传递一个字符串变量。我使用断点,所以我看到它确实转到控制器中的正确方法,但发布的变量等于 null。
ViewBag.Title = "TestForm";
@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<input type="text" id="testinput" />
<input type="submit" value="TestForm" />
public ActionResult TestForm()
return View();
public ActionResult TestForm(string testinput)
Response.Write("[" + testinput + "]");
return View();
我将断点放在第二个 TestForm 方法中,并且 testinput 为 null.... 我错过了什么吗?
public ActionResult TestForm(string var1, var2)
I am trying to pass a string variable inside asp.net MVC. I use breakpoints so I see that it does go to the correct method in the controller, but the variables posted are equal to null.
My markup:
ViewBag.Title = "TestForm";
@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
<input type="text" id="testinput" />
<input type="submit" value="TestForm" />
My controller:
public ActionResult TestForm()
return View();
public ActionResult TestForm(string testinput)
Response.Write("[" + testinput + "]");
return View();
I put the breakpoint inside the second TestForm method and testinput is null....
Am I missing something?
Note: I realize that most of the time I will be using the model to pass data around, but I would like to know that I can pass strings as well.
As part of the same question, how do I pass several variables? Would the method in my controller look like this:
public ActionResult TestForm(string var1, var2)
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对我来说,您似乎设置了 id 而不是名称。我每天都使用 MVC3,所以我不会重现你的示例。 (我醒了 20 个小时编程;)但仍然有动力提供帮助)如果它不起作用,请告诉我。但对我来说,看起来你必须设置“name”属性......而不是 id 属性。尝试一下...如果不起作用,我现在正在等待帮助您。
For me it looks like that you set the id not the name. I use MVC3 every day, so i dont reproduce your sample. (I am awake for 20 hours programming ;) but still motivated to help ) Please tell me if it dont work. But for me it looks like you have to set the "name" property ... not the id property. Try that ... i am waiting right now to help you if it does not work.
另外一点要注意的是,像您这样传递变量并没有什么问题,但更有效的方法是传递强类型视图模型,使您能够利用 MVC 的许多优点:
On a slightly separate note there is nothing wrong with passing variables like you are, but a more efficient way would be to pass around a strongly typed view model allowing you to take advantage of many aspects of MVC's goodness:
Create a new view model:
Your test controller:
Your view: