如何将 Filemaker Pro 数据库(具有容器字段)转换为 mySQL
我有一个 Filemaker Pro Advanced 数据库,其中包含 14000 条记录。每条记录由 2 个图像字段和 10 个文本字段组成。
我尝试将其导出为 XML、HTML,可以导入到 mySQL,但图像字段不可导出。 (图像存储在容器字段中)
I have a Filemaker Pro Advanced Database which contains 14000 records. Each record consist of 2 image fields and 10 text fields.
I have tried to export it to XML,HTML which could be imported to mySQL but the image fields are not exportable. (images are stored in Container Fields)
Please help, in a fix right now.
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尝试的是使用ODBC; FileMaker ODBC SQL (PDF) 具有与容器配合使用的特殊函数字段。
另一种方法是编写 FileMaker 脚本来单独导出图像字段。该脚本步骤称为“导出字段内容”。您需要编写一个循环记录的脚本,并为每个记录执行以下操作:
计算目标文件路径并将其保存在变量中。请注意,FileMaker 使用自己的跨平台路径格式。看起来像
注意:如果粘贴了图像,则可能无法导出。如果它们的格式不同,FileMaker 不会进行任何转换,这取决于您。
Try is to use ODBC; FileMaker ODBC SQL (PDF) has special functions to work with container fields.
Another way is to write a FileMaker script to export image fields separately. The script step is called "Export field contents". You need to write a script that loops over records and for each record does the following:
Calculates the the target file path and saves it in a variable. Note that FileMaker uses its own cross-platform format for paths. It looks like
The script step should be like
Export field contents using the calculated path:
Caveats: if images were pasted, they may fail to export. If they are in different formats, FileMaker won't do any conversion, it's up to you.