是否可以在没有 GPS 的情况下在室内使用增强现实
我正在考虑为我的学校图书馆开发增强现实应用程序。基本上我们已经有了一台机器,它可以为我们提供这本书所在位置的 duis 十进制代码,但图书管理员仍然必须告诉我们这本书在哪里。我认为在此之上的增强现实应用程序对于这本书所在的人来说可能会很有效。
只是想知道在室内没有 GPS 的情况下做这样的事情有多困难。
Im thinking of developing augmented reality app for my school library. Basically we alreayd have a machine which will give us the duis decimal code for where the book is but the librarian still has to tell us where this is. An augmented reality application on top of this to who people where the book is might work well I think.
Just wondering how difficult it is to do such a thing without GPS as its indoors.
Intel had a good solution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WciFx66ojA4 but is it a viable app to make?
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恕我直言,最简单的方法是将一些 WLAN 发送器放置在库中,并使用它们根据接收范围内所有 WLAN 发送器的信号强度来计算位置。
http:// /scholar.google.com/scholar?q=indoor+localization+wlan
The IMHO easiest way would be to place some WLAN senders in the library and the use them to calculate the position based the signal strength of all WLAN senders in reception range.
There are a couple of scientific papers and demo-installations available around the world:
如果您之前没有太多使用 Android,特别是捕获和覆盖其视频流数据,我会说创建增强现实应用程序将非常困难。我参与了一个通过 Android 捕获和分析实时视频流以进行设备上分析的项目,我发现它非常具有挑战性。
如果您确实想在室内进行实时导航,最好的选择可能是通过指南针和加速度计数据的组合,这样您就可以推断用户在环境中移动时的方向和距离。有一些与此相关的好论文,但您可能需要通过 IEEE 或 ACM 库来查找它们。
If you haven't worked much with Android before, specifically with capturing and overlaying its video stream data I would say that creating an augmented reality application would be very difficult. I worked on a project capturing and analyzing live video streams through android for on-device analysis and found it significantly challenging.
If you're looking for an alternative I would suggest a static mapping application that showed a blueprint-like layout of the library, your current location at the terminal that provides the Dewey Decimal listing, and the calculated location of the book they just looked up. You can even add a section about the Dewey Decimal classification system and become your librarian's best friend.
If you really want to go for live navigation indoors your best bet may be through a combination of the compass and accelerometer data so you can infer direction and distance as a user moves through the environment. There are some good papers around in regard to this but you may need to go through the IEEE or ACM libraries to look them up.