C++ MIDI 文件更改乐器
有没有办法在 MSVC 2008 中使用 C++ 播放 MIDI 文件并更改正在播放的乐器?即,我可以播放几个钢琴小节的 .mid 文件,但将钢琴声音更改为电吉他吗?
编辑:抱歉我不够具体!我使用 Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth 作为我的合成器。
Is there a way to play a MIDI file using C++ in MSVC 2008 and change the instrument that is playing? i.e., can I play a .mid file of a few measures of piano, but change the piano sound to an electric guitar?
EDIT: Sorry I was not specific enough!! I am using Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth as my synthesizer.
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Try mciSendString.
Multimedia Command Strings
If the instrument supports it, you should send a program change message to change the sound. Otherwise, you are probably looking at this problem the wrong way and should use multiple instruments instead.
您正在寻找的功能已在 MIDI.cpp 中实现。还有一个可用的测试控制台应用程序:
Check this link:
The functionality you are looking for is implemented in MIDI.cpp. There is also a testing console app available:
从您的帖子中,我假设您已经编写了从 MIDI 文件读取事件并将其实时输出到设备的代码。因此,要更改声音,您需要 MIDI 程序更改事件。您可以在此处找到 GM 声音列表(请注意,GS 是 GM 的超集) )以及 MIDI 事件的定义此处。
如果您想将通道 1 上的程序更改为失真吉他,那么您需要输出字节(十六进制):
“C”是程序更改事件的前缀,0 指通道 1(请注意,我们通常指 MIDI 通道 1-16,但 MIDI 事件从零开始计数通道号)。 1E 是节目 31(同样,它们通常表示为 1-128,但 MIDI 事件从零开始计数)。
From your post, I'm assuming that you already have written code that reads in the events from the MIDI file and is outputting them to the device in real time. So to change the sound you need a MIDI program change event. You can find a list of the GM sounds here (note that GS is a superset of GM) and the definitions of the MIDI events here.
If you want to change the program on channel 1 to a distortion guitar then you'll need to output the bytes (in hex):
The 'C' is the prefix for program change events, the 0 refers to channel 1 (note that we usually refer to midi channels 1-16 but the MIDI events count the channel number from zero). And 1E is program 31 (again, they're usually expressed as 1-128 but the midi events count from zero).